Update on homeowner tax rebate credit checks
Great news! We’ve mailed nearly two million homeowner tax rebate credit checks to eligible New York homeowners and many more are on their way.
For most of the remaining homeowners, we only need 2022-2023 tax bill information from school districts so we can accurately calculate the checks; school districts provide that information to us at the time that the tax bills are issued. You do not need to provide anything to us unless we contact you directly.
If you're eligible and you haven’t received your check by mid-July, you generally can expect to receive it between the time that school tax bills are issued and when the school tax payments are due in your community. If we need additional information, we will notify you in writing. We cannot provide you with a specific timeframe.
Watch your mailbox for a check that looks like this:
 Remember, to be eligible, you must have:
- qualified for a 2022 STAR credit or exemption,
- had income that was less than or equal to $250,000 for the 2020 income tax year, and
- a school tax liability for the 2022-2023 school year that is more than your 2022 STAR benefit.
Note: By law, we can’t issue checks for the Homeowner tax rebate credit that are less than $100. If the amount of the credit calculated was less than $100, you will not receive a check.
To learn more, please visit our Homeowner tax rebate credit (HTRC) webpage, which includes frequently asked questions and a lookup to determine the amount of the credit.
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