What is Form 1099-G?
Form 1099-G is used by federal, state, or local governments to report certain types of payments to the IRS and to provide a statement with the same information to those who received those payments.
If you received either a New York State refund or unemployment compensation, you should obtain your Forms 1099-G online and save or print copies for your records. You may be required to report the information from one or both when you file your federal and state income tax returns.
Learn about the forms
The Tax Department Form 1099-G statement shows the amount of state and local taxes you overpaid through withholding or estimated tax payments. This amount includes overpayments, credits, or offsets of New York State income tax or MCTMT.
You may need to report this information on your federal return. See instructions for Form 1040 for more information.
The Department of Labor Form 1099-G statement shows the total amount of money you were paid in unemployment compensation benefits, as well as any adjustments or tax withheld.
You must report this information on your 2020 income tax return.
Note: New York State unemployment insurance benefits are considered taxable income. If you chose not to withhold tax from unemployment payments received in 2020, your refund this year may be negatively impacted. If you are still receiving unemployment payments, it’s not too late to adjust your New York State withholding for 2021 through your online account at the Department of Labor.
Get the forms you need
- To view and print a copy of your Tax Department Form 1099-G statement reporting your prior-year income tax refund, visit Form 1099-G. The Tax Department does not mail Form 1099-G. It does not include unemployment compensation amounts.
- To view and print a copy of your Department of Labor Form 1099-G statement reporting the unemployment insurance benefits you received last year, visit the Department of Labor at 1099-G Tax Form.
What else you need to know
Before you can access your Tax Department Form 1099-G statement, you must verify your identity. Visit Total Payments to locate information you reported on a previously filed return.
For additional information about the Tax Department Form 1099-G—including why the amount on your Form 1099-G may differ from the actual amount you receive—visit Form 1099-G and More information about Form 1099-G.
Explore our resources
It’s filing season! Visit our Filing season resource center for everything you need to get ready and successfully file your return.
As the season progresses, you might want to check these out too:
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