Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) 2023 Year in Review
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation sent this bulletin on 11/29/2023 01:55 PM ESTDEC Delivers - Information to keep you connected and informed from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
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The Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) has completed another year of protecting public drinking water sources across New York State. To date, 74 municipalities have worked towards creating action-oriented, community-driven DWSP2 plans to protect their drinking water sources. Sixteen of the communities have completed the plan development process, received state acceptance and are moving forward to implementing their plans. Many of the communities chose to apply because DWSP2 would assist them in gathering necessary data and strategies to protect against modern-day contamination risks. Communities who participate in DWSP2 receive free technical assistance to update their source water maps, assess potential contaminants in their watershed, identify effective approaches to address those potential contaminant sources, and assistance in implementing their protection and management actions. In doing so, communities can also become more competitive for future funding opportunities and better prepared to stay on the forefront of protecting public health and the environment. Thank you and congratulations to all technical assistance providers and communities who have participated in DWSP2 this year. We look forward to helping our next cohort of communities and seeing our current participants continue to put their plans into action! Why You Should Participate in DWSP2?We recently met with key stakeholders from the Town and Village of Ellicottville and the Town of Otisco to learn about their reasons for participating in the program and what they are most proud of accomplishing during their DWSP2 plan development. Read below to learn about their experiences developing their community’s DWSP2 plan. Map of DWSP2 Participating Communities Town and Village of EllicotvilleInterviewed: Ben Slotman, Town Engineer and Bonnie Koschir, Town Planning Board Member Why Elicottville Chose to Participate in DWSP2? The Town and Village of Ellicottville were informed about DWSP2 from their County Health Department. After the program was suggested to Ellicottville, they agreed that their current source water resources and system would benefit from a DWSP2 Plan. While working with a free technical assistance provider this program offered the community a well-rounded understanding of their water system, a united stakeholder group, and an action plan for source water protection. What Elicottville is Most Proud of Accomplishing During the DWSP2 Planning Process? The Ellicottville community was most proud of accomplishing a greater understanding of their water district and aquifer. This understanding will help put Ellicottville in a good position when planning for future protection projects. The DWSP2 process also helped the community create a concise map series and summarize different available datasets. Lastly, Ellicottville’s DWSP2 Plan brought together various stakeholders in the community to protect their source water in a way that fits their community's needs and goals. Priority Source Water Protection Actions Identified in Ellicotville's DWSP2 Plan
The Town and Village of Ellicottville have also made their State-Accepted DWSP2 plan publicly available. Check it out: Town and Village of Ellitcottville Drinking Water Source Protection Plan (DWSP2). Otisco LakeInterviewed: Cody McQueeney, Otisco Lake Treatment Plant Operator; Pete Murphy, Otisco Water Treatment Plant Manager and Town of Otisco Board Member. Why Otisco Chose to Participate in DWSP2? The Otisco Lake watershed communities, including the Towns of Marcellus, Onondaga, Otisco, Preble, Spafford and Tully, wanted to build upon and strengthen existing source water protection and lake management plans. One of the motivations to participate in DWSP2 was to provide Towns, Villages, and farmers in the Otisco Lake watershed with needed guidance to ensure the region has sustainable, high-quality, and cost-effective supply of water now and in the future. The Otisco Lake communities were able to work with a free technical assistance provider to establish realistic goals, reduce duplication of efforts, and create partnerships for source water protection. What Otisco is Most Proud of Accomplishing During the DWSP2 Planning Process? The biggest accomplishment for Otisco Lake communities was bringing stakeholders together and hearing new perspectives on source water concerns. By building and strengthening community relationships, stakeholders were able to create an attainable action plan to improve their source water quality. Priority Source Water Protection Actions Identified in the Otisco Lake DWSP2 Plan
What’s New with DWSP2?We recently attended conferences across NYS to share information about the free technical assistance available for DWSP2. We were grateful for the opportunity to talk with municipal officials, water operators, and stakeholders at the following conferences:
DWSP2 is a locally led, state-supported program that empowers municipalities to take action to improve and protect their public drinking water sources and surrounding environment. The program offers free technical assistance to develop and implement community-specific drinking water source protection plans. DWSP2 is designed to build off previous work, help align priorities, and fill gaps within a municipality’s current and future source water protection efforts. If your organization has any upcoming events and would like DWSP2 to participate, reach out to source.water@dec.ny.gov. Connect with us on social mediaFollow DEC on Instagram to see what more you can learn about Connecting Climate Change to Drinking Water. Share Your ThoughtsHave you begun this process? Or, do you have a program or are aware of a program relevant to source water? Send in any helpful hints or information at source.water@dec.ny.gov and we may highlight them! Sign UpTo sign-up for the DWSP2 newsletter, visit the DWSP2 webpage. Newsletter ArchiveMissed last month's edition? Visit the DWSP2 Newsletter Archive to stay up to date. |