Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP)- Newsletter

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Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP)- Newsletter
Suffolk County Septic and Cesspool Replacement Update

In this issue of the LINAP Newsletter, we highlight the current efforts underway in Suffolk County to replace thousands of failing septic and cesspools.

Septic and Cesspools in Suffolk County

Nitrogen pollution from cesspools and septic systems has been identified as the largest cause of degraded water quality in Suffolk County, where approximately 360,000 homes and small businesses are currently served by cesspools and septic systems.

Reversing degradation of water quality will depend on the replacement of these existing cesspools and septic systems with nitrogen reducing technologies called Innovate Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems or I/A OWTS. These systems significantly reduce nitrogen and, when properly designed, sited, installed, and maintained, provide a cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative to sewers in areas that are outside designated sewer areas.

Septic Replacement Grant and Rebate Programs

Suffolk County is effectively transitioning from the use of outdated cesspools and septic systems to I/A OWTS through the assistance of grant programs from the State and County combined with rebate programs in the Towns of Southampton, East Hampton and Shelter Island.

All of the following opportunities are available and can be combined to cover the costs of installation of new IA/OWTS. Some eligible residents can qualify for up to $40,000 in grants and rebates!

New York State Septic System Replacement Fund
A maximum grant of $10,000 is available for the upgrade to new I/A OWTS for homeowners. This grant is administered by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 

Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program
A grant of $10,000-$20,000 is available for the upgrade to a new I/A OWTS on residential property. For more information, email SepticDemo@SuffolkCountyNY.gov or call 631-852-5811. 

Community Development Corporation of Long Island (CDC LI) Septic Loan Program

The CDC LI program provides $10,000 in low interest loans over 15 years in conjunction with the Suffolk County Septic Improvement Program. 

Town of East Hampton
For eligible East Hampton residents, a maximum rebate of $20,000 is available for residential and commercial property owners. Restrictions apply based on location, environmental factors, and housing type.

Town of Southampton
For eligible Southampton residents a maximum rebate of $20,000 is available for residential and commercial property owners available in tiers based on adjusted gross income level.

Town of Shelter Island
The Town of Shelter Island offers a maximum rebate of $15,000 for residential property only after applying for all available State and County grant opportunities.

Suffolk County I/A System Installation  Suffolk County I/A System Installation Completed

Photo Credit: Suffolk County 

To date, over two thousand I/A OWTS have been installed all across Suffolk County and that number continues to grow each year.

County and Town Code Amendments

In support of the extraordinary efforts to replace cesspools and septics, municipalities are amending County, Town, and in some cases Village, codes to require homeowners to upgrade their septic and cesspool systems to I/A OWTS system.

Suffolk County
An amendment to the County’s sanitary code went into effect on July 1, 2021, requiring I/A OWTS on all new construction and major reconstruction. The law also allows greater flexibility for the use of small sewer plants in downtown business districts.

                            Image of Ocean Sunset

Photo Credit: David Berg

Town of East Hampton 
In the Town of East Hampton, a residential property owner must upgrade to an I/A OWTS when building a new structure where one previously did not exist, any voluntary replacement of an existing septic system, and when there is a substantial expansion of existing structures. (See East Hampton Town Code § 210-3-2)

Village of East Hampton
In the Village of East Hampton, similar to the Town, a homeowner must upgrade to an I/A system when constructing a new residence or replacing a system. The Village also requires an upgrade when an addition increases the gross floor area by 25% or increases the number of bedrooms beyond what is already authorized by the Suffolk County Department of Health. Further, the Village requires an upgrade when a project removes or replaces an existing structure and exceeds 50% of the full replacement cost of the entire structure, as determined by the Building Inspector. (See East Hampton Village Code § 233-2 [B].)

Town of Southampton
Southampton Town Code now includes a requirement for I/A OWTS approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) for residential projects located within the high priority areas of the Community Preservation Fund Water Quality Improvement Project Plan for all new construction, any substantial system upgrade required by the SCDHS, an increase in 25% of the floor area of a building and when it is required by the Town’s Conservation Board or the Town’s Environment Division.

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