Solid Waste & Recycling Newsletter

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Solid Waste & Recycling Newsletter 

New York State Compost Awareness Week

Compost Awarness Week 2020 Poster

Join us in celebrating New York State Compost Awareness Week, May 3rd - May 9th, as we recognize the importance of compost, how to make it and how to use it! This year’s theme is “Soil Loves Compost”. Adding compost to soil adds valuable nutrients, improves soil structure, and supports plant health. It’s no wonder soil loves compost! Learn more about how you can celebrate NYS Compost Awareness Week.

Try your hand at composting this year! Making compost takes some care; Add greens, browns, water and air. Turn your yard trimmings and food scraps into rich compost your plants will love all in your own backyard. The beauty of composting is there's no one way to do it. There is a home composting system for everyone, whether you have the space outside or inside. You can compost inside with a worm bin -- red wigglers are the heroes of worm composting. Use your homemade compost to add valuable nutrients to your garden beds all while creating a better future for tomorrow. Learn more about home composting.

Join DEC Environmental Program Specialist Gary Feinland for a Facebook Live video May 6th on DEC's Facebook page as he talks about identifying common problems in your backyard compost pile and how to fix them.

2020 NYS Organics Summit Goes Online!

Join the discussion online! Three sessions from the NYS Organics Summit have transitioned online as upcoming free webinars. Learn more about the virtual NYS Organics Summit, and register today! 

  • May 4th: Bringing Food Scraps Drop-Off Programs To Your Community
  • May 7th: Incorporating Food Scraps into your Yard Waste Composting Facility
  • May 19th: Managing Wasted Food: Lessons Learned Nationally and New York State's Plan of Action

Compost Chat: Join the speakers and other attendees in a 30 minute "face to face" facilitated discussion after the May 4th and May 7th webinar. This will be a collaborative setting to answer detailed questions, foster connections and share resources.

Expanding our Networks and Opportunities for Collaboration
The Summit plays an important role in connecting materials management professionals from across the State to share resources and knowledge. While this atmosphere cannot be created in person this year, an activity has been created to help connect people based on what their professional needs are and/or what services and resources they are able to provide to others. In a short survey, share what you need or what you can provide to others as it relates to organics management practices.

Follow NYS Save Our Food on Facebook and Instagram for updates on the NYS Organics Summit and to discuss the better management of organics especially wasted food and food scraps in NYS. 

Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Sales

RFP: Food Waste Prevention, Donation and Organics Recycling Education and Outreach Program

The City of Rochester is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to develop an education and outreach program focused on food waste reduction/prevention rescue/donation, and organics recycling. The program toolkit will include a curriculum guide, program activity guides, and promotional materials/templates as detailed in this RFP. Completed proposals are due by Wednesday May 20, 2020.

Conference, Workshops & Webinars:

Funding Opportunities - Application Deadlines

Awards and Program Deadlines

We Want To Hear From You!

Is there a topic you'd like to learn more about or a public event or workshop related to recycling (organics, textiles, traditional recyclables, etc.) you'd like the greater community to know more about? E-mail us at and it could be featured in an upcoming Solid Waste & Recycling Newsletter.