Ex-Eaton Site (Batavia) - NYSDEC Invites Public Comment on Draft Investigation Plan

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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NYSDEC Invites Public Comment About Draft Plan to Investigate Contamination at Brownfield Site on Clinton St., Batavia

This link link opens a fact sheet that invites public comment about a draft work plan to investigate contamination at the Ex-Eaton Site #C819022 (Batavia, Genesee County) within New York's Brownfield Cleanup Program:


NYSDEC is accepting public comments about the draft work plan through November 22, 2019. Please see fact sheet for details about the draft plan and how to comment.

The fact sheet is in PDF format. You can save, open, and read the fact sheet by using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can go to the following web page on the NYSDEC web site to download the program: http://www.dec.ny.gov/about/590.html

Please do not respond to this email. Replies go to an untended mailbox. If you have questions about the contaminated site identified above, please use the contact information provided in the fact sheet.