Five Rivers to Host 'It's Easy Being Green' Sustainability Fair

DEC Delivers press release
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Five Rivers to Host 'It's Easy Being Green' Sustainability Fair

On Saturday, July 27, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) Five Rivers Environmental Education Center in Delmar will offer "It's Easy Being Green," a free event highlighting creative ways to be environmentally friendly.

Do you want to make your home and lifestyle more sustainable, but worry about the difficulty or cost? Five Rivers staff and volunteers will provide you with some easy (and fun!) ways to be better consumers. There will be educators from DEC as well as the Museum of Innovation and Science (MiSci) who will present methods for composting, raising insects, recycling paper, and more.

Space is limited. Please call Five Rivers at 518-475-0291 by Wednesday, July 24 to register. For additional information about upcoming events at the Center, visit DEC's website.