Freshwater Fishing and Boating News

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Freshwater Fishing and Boating News

Trout & Salmon Fishing Remains Excellent in Lake Ontario

Lake Ontario Chinook salmonPreliminary results of the 2018 Lake Ontario boat survey indicate that fishing for trout and salmon remains excellent in the lake. Anglers caught 5.3 trout and salmon per boat, the highest catch rate ever recorded on the lake. Both charter and non-charter boats experienced outstanding fishing.  Fishing quality in 2018 was particularly good for Chinook salmon and brown trout. A comprehensive report concerning the survey will be available later this spring on the DEC website.





Check Out DEC's  Lake Sturgeon Tagging Video

Take a look at DEC's efforts to tag young lake sturgeon in the hatchery to track them over their long lifespan. Tagging the sturgeon is one tool used to track the overall recovery of the species in New York. When many more untagged sturgeon are collected in our waters than tagged sturgeon, we will know our recovery efforts are working. View the video.

Be On The Lookout For Creel Agents On Oneida Lake

Oneida Lake creel agentStaff at the Cornell Biological Field Station, through support from DEC, are conducting a creel survey on Oneida Lake this winter, the first since the 2007 ice fishing season. Initial results indicate that catch rates of both walleye and yellow perch have started out very good and suggest anglers are enjoying excellent fishing for both species. Past surveys have indicated that half of the yellow perch harvest from Oneida Lake takes place through the ice, and this year's survey, combined with a full open water season survey this past summer, will provide information to assess if this pattern still continues. If approached by a creel agent while fishing the lake, we appreciate your cooperation with the survey. 



2019-2020 Freshwater Fishing Digest Now Available  

2019 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide

Pick up your copy of the 2019-20 Freshwater Fishing Digest at any license sales vendor.The new guide provides some great information for anyone interested in getting more involved in the sport of fishing, particularly women. The online version will be available April 1.





Sauger Restoration Efforts Looking Good In Allegheny River

Allegheny River Sauger

In 2018, DEC completed a  five-year stocking program to reintroduce sauger into the Allegheny River. Since the program began in 2014, DEC stocked over 17,000 sauger fingerlings and 700,000 sauger fry in the Allegheny River and Reservoir with hopes of establishing a self-sustaining population. Follow-up surveys by DEC Region 9 fisheries staff have shown good survival and exceptional growth of stocked sauger. Sauger from the first year of stocking are now reaching over 20 inches, an impressive size for sauger anywhere in the country! DEC plans to extend the stocking program for another five years to better the chances of creating a wild sauger population in NYS.  Learn more about DEC's sauger management program.

Only you can prevent aquatic invasions. Clean, Drain and Dry your fishing and boating equipment after every use.