2018 WAVE Data

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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2018 WAVE Data


The 2018 WAVE samples have been processed, tallied, summarized, and posted. Everyone who submitted a WAVE sample should have received a personalized email with their sample results. All the data are compiled in a google map for general consumption on the WAVE "Forms and Data" web page: https://goo.gl/PgX2CM

Now comes the task of responding to the data. We are currently processing professional samples collected in 2018 at WAVE locations and we are also reviewing locations for this round of NYSDEC's Waterbody Inventory updates (http://on.ny.gov/2IfK5Jp). I will send a notification once these assessments/updates are complete. Please email me your own stories of how the WAVE data have been used to address local issues.

Thank you and I look forward to another productive season in 2019!

Alene Onion 
WAVE Coordinator 
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-3502; wave@dec.ny.govwww.dec.ny.gov