Solid Waste & Recycling News

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Check out these family-friendly Earth Week events with DEC

State Assistance Grants News - $8.5 million provided to municipalities!

DEC is pleased to announce that between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018, the agency authorized 175 payments totaling over $8.5 million to municipalities for completed grant work. These funds offset the costs of recycling programs and equipment, as well as the costs to collect and appropriately manage household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronic waste (e-waste).

Funding provided to municipalities through these programs has been the financial backbone for developing municipal recycling infrastructure across the State. These programs have been vital to the success of local recycling and HHW programs and are a critical component of the State’s ongoing recycling efforts.

Find out how your municipality may apply for a grant to help offset the costs of waste management programs.