Planning for Sea-Level Rise on the Hudson; Field Notes: Trees for Tribs

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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View of the Hudson from Dennings Point

Hudson RiverNet
News from the Hudson River Estuary Program

Sea-Level Rise: Planning Coastal Development

sea-level rise videoSea-level Rise: Planning Coastal Development - the second installment in the Estuary Program's video series on Climate Smart Communities adaptation actions, is now live on DEC’s YouTube. This video highlights the Climate Smart Communities certification program and how the City of Kingston, residents of Piermont, and researchers at Columbia Lamont-Doherty are taking action to create a more resilient waterfront.

Trees for Tribs: Replanting the Streams of the Hudson Valley

Trees for Tribs planting at Stony Point

Hudson Estuary Trees for Tribs (tributaries) helps to protect and restore streamside buffers, offering free native trees, grasses, and shrubs for qualifying projects in the Hudson's watershed. Healthy buffers help to reduce water pollution, erosion, and flooding damage and also provide habitat for fish and other wildlife. In the spring and fall of 2017, we helped 500 Trees for Tribs volunteers plant 3,320 native trees and shrubs at 30 sites, restoring 4.5 acres along 1.5 miles of stream.

Pictured above: Trees for Tribs teamed up with Local scouts, Rockland County Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Town of Stony Point to plant along the Cedar Pond Brook at Lowland Hills Park to revegetate the streamside area that had been damaged during tropic storms in 2011. Photo by Christina Mandara.