Reducing Your Facility's Hazardous Waste

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Reducing Your Facility's Hazardous Waste (Part 3 of 6)

Update the Process

worker looking at machineryIs your facility thinking about updating its production equipment? Is a facility expansion on the horizon? Maybe now is the time to consider modifying your production processes and equipment, or replacing them with better-designed, more efficient units that will generate less hazardous waste. Facilities in New York have used many process and equipment changes, including the following, to reduce their hazardous waste output:

  • Installing sensors to minimize damage to finished products, overspray, or other process-related wastes
  • Replacing solvent-based stripping processes with mechanical processes, in order to eliminate chemical wastes
  • Using catalysts to increase the efficiency of chemical reactions, thereby reducing the use of excess raw materials

Keep checking your inboxes for Part 4 in this series: Changing Your Operating Practices.

In case you missed them:

Part 1: Start with Less Hazardous Inputs

Part 2: Product Re-Design

We would like to know what you think. Please send your questions or comments regarding Hazardous Waste Reduction to us at