DEC Reminds Successful Hunters to TAKE IT, TAG IT, REPORT IT

DEC Delivers press release
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DEC Reminds Successful Hunters to TAKE IT, TAG IT, REPORT IT

Reporting Harvest is Mandatory and Key Component of Proper Game Management

DEC Encourages All Hunters to Follow Safety Rules This Season

With several hunting seasons just days away from opening, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos is reminding hunters who take a deer, bear, or turkey to report their game harvest. In addition, hunters or trappers who take a bobcat, and trappers who take a fisher, marten, or otter must have the animal pelt-sealed by DEC staff.

"Hunters and trappers play a crucial role in the management of game across the state," Commissioner Seggos said. "Information collected from harvest reports helps DEC track game species populations and ensures that hunting and trapping opportunities are sustainable for generations to come. Reporting your harvest is not just the law, it's an important tool in wildlife management."

Hunters who fail to report their harvest can be subject to fines of up to $250.

Reporting your deer, bear, or turkey harvest can be done via phone (1-866-426-3778), online or on DEC's official mobile app, "NY Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife" by Pocket Ranger.

The app is available free of charge and provides users with the latest fish and wildlife news, detailed hunting and fishing season information, species information, weather alerts, social media connections, GPS mapping capabilities, and more.

With the integration of the e-License and Game Harvest features, hunters can quickly and easily:

  • report the harvest of deer, bear, and turkey on a smartphone immediately while afield, even when out of cellular range;
  • gain instant, mobile access to an electronic version of sporting licenses and privileges and other DEC resources;
  • use smart-filtering technology for easy access to county, town and WMU information;
  • view current and past harvest reports; and
  • share harvest reports with friends and followers on Facebook and send feedback to DEC.

As a reminder, it is a legal requirement to report all deer, bear and turkey harvests within seven days of harvest. Harvest information is critical to wildlife management and helps determine the overall health and population of a species and set future hunting seasons and limits.

Also, be sure to call a regional wildlife office to make arrangements to get your otter, bobcat, fisher, or marten sealed, visit DEC's website

"Your report helps us manage game for all New Yorkers, now and in the future," Commissioner Seggos said. "So, if you have success this fall - remember to take it, tag it, report it."

DEC Reminds Hunters to Follow Safety Rules This Hunting Season

While statistics show that hunting in New York State is safer than ever, hunters make mistakes every year. But every hunting-related shooting incident is preventable. DEC urges hunters to use common sense and remember what they were taught in their DEC Hunters Education Course.

DEC's Hunting Safety Rules:

  • Assume every gun is loaded.
  • Control the muzzle. Point your gun in a safe direction.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  • Be sure of your target and beyond.
  • DEC encourages hunters to wear blaze orange or pink. Wearing orange or pink prevents other hunters from mistaking a person for an animal, or shooting in your direction. Hunters who wear hunter orange are seven times less likely to be shot.
  • When hunting in tree stands use a safety harness and a climbing belt, as most tree stand accidents occur when hunters are climbing in and out of the stand. Also, never climb in or out of a tree stand with a loaded rifle. See our new Tree Stand Safety Video for more tips on avoiding accidents.
  • Always be prepared for winter conditions when venturing in the woods, inform a friend or relative of your whereabouts, and pack emergency supplies.

For more information on these and other important hunting safety tips, please visit DEC's website.