Freshwater Fishing and Boating News: 9/23 is a NYS Free Fishing Day!

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Freshwater Fishing and Boating News

Family Fishing Together

Enjoy a Day of Free Fishing on September 23

Residents and non-residents of New York State can enjoy a day of free fishing as part of the National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration in New York. September 23 is one of the 4 new free fishing days that have been added as part of Governor Cuomo's NY Open for Fishing and Hunting Initiative. On that day, anyone can fish for free on any of the freshwaters of NYS without the necessity of a fishing license. Learn more about New York's other Free Fishing Days and the various other activities that will be conducted on Hunting and Fishing Day in New York.

Fall is Hot for Fishing in New York State

The cooling waters of fall provide some of the hottest fishing in New York as fish begin to feed more actively prior to cold weather, or head up streams and rivers to spawn. Here are some recommendations:

  • Seek brook trout in an Adirondack pond. Fast fishing can also be found in streams and rivers. Just remember that trout season closes on many waters October 15.

Fall Fishing on the Salmon River

  • Lucky Pike AnglerNorthern pike are very active during cool water periods.  Fish a crankbait around any remaining aquatic plant beds. Look for pike in Tupper Lake, Chateaugay Lake, Conesus Lake, Delta Lake, Cayuga Lake, Honeoye Lake, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Cuba Lake and many other medium - large lakes and rivers in upstate New York.


Only You Can Prevent Aquatic Invasions

              Clean, Drain and Dry Your Fishing and Boating Equipment After Every Use