New Google Earth map showing Wildlife Management Unit boundaries in NY
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation sent this bulletin on 09/11/2015 12:11 PM EDTDEC Delivers - Information to keep you connected and informed from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation |
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This time of year DEC is frequently asked by hunters and trappers to identify which Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) correspond to their hunting or trapping locations. Because WMUs are the geographical units used to set hunting and trapping seasons in New York and are required for game harvest reporting, it is imperative that hunters and trappers know their WMU before they go afield.
To help hunters and trappers identify their WMU, we recently created a Google Earth map (kmz file) with WMU boundaries. See; the WMU map is last in the list of Recreational Maps. With this tool, hunters and trappers can zoom in to their preferred location and with the click of a button, identify the WMU.