Joint Statement from Dutchess County Executive William F.X. O’Neil & Dutchess County Sheriff Kirk Imperati Regarding New York City's relocation of migrants throughout the Hudson Valley and NYS

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Joint Statement from Dutchess County
Executive William F.X. O’Neil & Sheriff Kirk Imperati

Regarding New York City's relocation of migrants throughout the Hudson Valley and NYS

Neighboring Hudson Valley counties are experiencing the unexpected, unplanned arrival of migrants and asylum seekers from New York City.  While Dutchess County Government has not yet been specifically contacted about sheltering, county leaders have been actively reaching out to federal, state and New York City officials, making it clear that our community is not equipped to receive any influx of asylum seekers or migrants and will not enter into an agreement with the state or New York City to allow for mass housing of their migrants. Dutchess County shares the frustration of our neighboring counties and county leaders statewide about the failure of New York City and the Federal government to provide any real information, as well as the lack of a coordinated plan to address this crisis. We have implored our federal representatives to support us in advocating for real solutions.

Dutchess County will continue to be proactive in seeking answers and will continue to demand transparency. We are working closely with local law enforcement agencies, municipal partners, area businesses and hotels, and state and federal agencies and others to monitor the situation as it continues to develop.  

We recognize there are strong opinions on this issue. We urge residents to remain peaceful and respectful. If you wish to voice your opinion on this issue, please reach out to your federal representative. If you have a specific public safety concern, contact your local law enforcement. We will continue to advocate for resolution to this crisis and keep our residents informed.