A Message from County Executive Molinaro
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A Message from County Executive Molinaro
John Penney’s departure from the Poughkeepsie Journal is undoubtedly a blow to consumers of good, honest journalism – not just here in the Hudson Valley, but throughout New York. For nearly two decades at the Journal, John has been a voice respected throughout the state, tackling issues with local and national repercussions. Never one to shy away from a controversial topic or newsmaker, John has always been relied upon to provide sound, well thought-out and researched opinions on matters that mean the most to his readers.
In an age of alleged fake news, John has had the admirable – though sometimes unenviable – task of telling us what we didn’t always want to hear, often simply using common sense to distill facts and decipher the truth. Though many about whom he wrote have taken to making noise to distract from the truth, John consistently exhibited a knack for dissolving such smokescreens to get to the heart of the matter.
Over the last decade, the industry he loves has seen unprecedented upheaval – layoffs, decline and smaller newsrooms facing fewer resources yet more demands – but John never once hinted at dereliction of duty. On the contrary, he continued to be a faithful steward of the First Amendment, shouldering on in the face of print journalism’s uncertain future – a fate that has greatly impacted the Journal for more than half John’s time there, forcing him to bid farewell to many a valued colleague.
While John’s dedication to his profession has never wavered, neither has the professionalism with which he’s conducted himself. No matter how hard his questions may be, one always walked away from an interview knowing he’d be honest, diligent and fair. In a profession in which “gotcha” journalism has become all too prevalent, John has always had his readers’ and our community’s best interest at heart. John has never been out to make headlines for himself; rather, he’s only been about getting to the truth.
For more Novembers than he’d like to remember, John served as a trusted resource for Hudson Valley voters: interviewing candidates, researching their positions and handing out coveted endorsements – often at the risk of alienating at least half of his readership. Undaunted, John’s pursuit of truth and his community’s needs always won out; he knew his unbiased opinion in such matters carried considerable weight – often able to sway a tight race – and he only endorsed candidates who’d best serve their constituents.
More than just a faceless name in a byline, John has become a respected community figure, one who can often be found biking off-road or enjoying local events, interacting in person with the very people who sought his counsel in print. Not a syndicated columnist whose words serve as a monologue reaching the masses they’ll never meet, John is am engaged neighbor – opening a dialogue to explain his position and listen to others’ points of view (He’s graciously listened to many of mine). And, John has always let others share their opinion, a rare trait for someone in his position.
Local media, Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley will be poorer for John Penney’s departure from the Poughkeepsie Journal. If journalism truly is, as former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham once put it, “the first rough draft of history,” John has been a key local author of that draft for almost 20 years.
His experience cannot be underestimated, nor can the void he will leave.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with John for the majority of my career here in Dutchess County, and I look forward to again debating with him the issues that impact local residents, wherever that future forum might be. But most of all, I am grateful to call him my friend.