Dear DMV Customer ––,
As part of New York State Department of Motor Vehicle’s (DMV’s) compliance with the REAL ID Act, DMV will be joining the State-to-State verification program in September 2024.
Our records indicate that you currently hold a Non-Driver ID issued by New York State DMV. The address associated with your ID indicates you are not a resident of New York State.
Most U.S. states and other jurisdictions only allow a person to be in possession of one credential (driver license, non-driver ID) at any given time. On September 3, 2024, other U.S. states will be made aware that you possess a Non-Driver ID in New York, which may cause a driving credential you hold in another state to be cancelled.
If you do not have a credential in another state, no action must be taken at this time.
If you do have a credential in another state, AVOID POTENTIAL CANCELLATION OF THAT CREDENTIAL BY:
- Contacting that state to determine how your existing credential will be impacted by possessing a New York State Non-Driver ID.
If you decide to surrender your New York State Non-Driver ID, you must mail it along with a copy of this email to the address listed below no later than August 9, 2024. If you are not currently in possession of your NYS credential, you must mail a copy of the front and back of your out-of-state driving credential along with a copy of this email to the address listed below.
DMV License Production Bureau 6 Empire State Plaza - Room 422A Albany, NY 12228
Please fill out this section prior to returning this email to New York State DMV:
Ο I choose to surrender my New York Non-Driver ID. I have enclosed my New York Non-Driver ID for surrender to NY.
Ο I am no longer in possession of my New York Non-Driver ID. I have enclosed a copy of the FRONT and BACK of my current credential from my State of Residence.
Contact Information (Phone or email): _____________________________
To retain your New York Non-Driver ID, no action must be taken at this time. However, as noted above retaining the New York Non-Driver ID may impact any other credential or driver license you hold with another state.