Scrap Tire, Clean-Up, and Recycling Grant Applications
Now BeingAccepted at New Mexico
Environment Department
Municipalities, Pueblos, Counties, and Many Other
Santa Fe - The New Mexico
Environment Department is now accepting applications for a second round of
2016-2017 Recycling and Illegal Dumping (RAID) Act grants that fund scrap tire
and illegal dumping clean-ups, along with recycling projects. Municipalities,
counties, solid waste authorities, cooperative associations, land grant
communities, pueblos, tribes, and nations are eligible entities that are
encouraged to apply for these funds that improve New Mexico’s environment.
Fundstotaling $437,546 are
available to these eligible entities. Ineligible entities are encouraged to
partner with eligibleentities.
$328,332 of the grant fund is
available for scrap tire management, and $109,214 is available for illegal
dumping abatement and recycling projects. Although no matching funds are
required to be eligible, in-kind and cash fund matching increases the chances
of a project receivingfunding.
Those interested in applying
should review the “Priorities” for this grant cycle before beginning their
planning. These may be found in the grant application at Proposals consistent
with these priorities are significantly more likely to receive funding.
Examples include abatement of illegal dumpsites near bodies of water, tire
amnesty days, educational outreach, and projects that promote organicsrecycling.
Applicants are encouraged to
apply for significant projects that will expend substantial funding. However,
applicants should not be discouraged from applying for smaller projects that
are inneed.
RAID grant applications for 2016-2017 can be found on the Environment
Department’s Solid Waste Bureau website at
Applications are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 27.
They may be submitted by e-mail, fax, mail, or in person at the Solid Waste
Bureau offices at 1190 S. St. Francis St., Santa Fe, NM 87505. Grants will be
awardedonacompetitivebasisforthe statefiscalyearstartingonJuly1,2016andendingonJune30,2017.
Although projects must be completed within this time period, multi-year
projects designed with phases corresponding to these fiscal year grant cycles
will receive specialconsideration.
For more information about the
RAID grants, the upcoming grant cycle, or to discuss project ideas, please
contact the Environment Department’s Recycling Coordinator, Neal Denton at
(505) 827-2653