NEWS: Environment Department Recognizes Southwest Wineries for Safety Excellence
New Mexico Environment Department sent this bulletin at 03/25/2016 12:00 PM MDT
News Release
March 25, 2016
Allison Scott Majure Communications Director | 505-231-8800
Department Recognizes Southwest Wineries for Safety Excellence
Santa Fe – The New Mexico Environment Department’s Occupational Health and Safety
Bureau (OHSB) presented Deming, New Mexico’s Southwest Wineries with the Safety
and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) award for exemplary injury
and illness prevention. Southwest Wineries becomes one of nine recognized SHARP
participants in New Mexico.
On March 10 a
ceremony recognizing the company’s accomplishments was held at the Southwest
Wineries site in Deming.Representatives
from OHSB presented the company with the award.
“Southwest Wineries
is proud to become a SHARP company,” said Southwest plant manager Macaryo
The On-Site
Consultation’s Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)
recognizes business employers who operate an exemplary injury and illness
prevention program. Environment Secretary Ryan Flynn said, “All New Mexico
employers with 250 or fewer workers are eligible for free and confidential
on-site consultation to help identify workplace hazards and find effective and
economical solutions for eliminating or controlling them. The service is
cost-free and confidential, and there are no fines even if problems are
discovered during the Environment Department consultant’s visit to the site.”
Vital elements of
the SHARP program include management leadership and commitment to a safe
working environment; employee involvement in implementing the health and safety
program; worksite hazard analysis; prevention and control programs and
comprehensive safety and health training. Acceptance of a worksite into SHARP
from New Mexico OHSB is an achievement that singles companies out among their
business peers as a model for worksite safety and health. Upon receiving SHARP
recognition, New Mexico OHSB exempts the worksite from programmed enforcement
inspections during the period that the SHARP certification is valid.
Robert Genoway,
OHSB Bureau Chief said, “It’s been a pleasure to work with Southwest Wineries on
achieving their SHARP Certification. They have worked hard to make a safe and
healthy work environment for their employees and they deserve this
This facility is
the first within their industry to receive the NM SHARP award for exemplary
illness and injury prevention. Southwest Wineries employs approximately 74
workers and was established in year 1984. The management team comprises president,
Florent Lescombes, chief financial officer Brandon Young, and plant manager
Macaryo Argott with assistance from quality control manager Ziedney Valenzona
and safety coordinator Robin Lee.
The New Mexico Environment Department’s Occupational Health and Safety
Bureau (OHSB) presented Deming, New Mexico’s Southwest Wineries with the Safety
and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) award for exemplary injury
and illness prevention. Southwest Wineries becomes one of nine recognized SHARP
participants in New Mexico on March 10. “Southwest Wineries is proud to become
company,” said Southwest plant manager Macaryo Argott.