Gutiérrez-Hubbell House News |
Senior Harvest Festival—Thursday, October 3, 8:30am-2pm
Seniors welcome to attend Senior Harvest Festival, Bernalillo County Open Space and Senior & Social Services joint program, must pre-register at a Community Center.
Public Opening: Muertos y Marigold, Ofrendas Comunitarias—Saturday, October 5, 6-7pm
Fall Farm Festival—Saturday, October 26, 8am-3pm
Please join us at the Gutierrez-Hubbell Open Space for our annual Fall Farm Festival.
Backyard Farming: October
This workshop series includes both instruction and demonstrations and are led by experts in the field. Workshops are on Saturday mornings from 10-12pm, please note location.
Passive Rainwater Harvesting 101 Workshop, Sat., Oct. 12
—Ag Center: 5945 Isleta Blvd SW.
Cover Cropping, Sat., Oct. 19—Ag Center: 5945 Isleta Blvd SW.
Backyard Farming Calendar
Gutiérrez-Hubbell House History & Cultural Center
6029 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105
Museum hours: Thursday—Saturday, 10am - 4pm
Trails, grounds and parking open daily dawn-to-dusk.
Museum, parking, programs and grounds are ADA compliant.
Admission to the museum and most programs are FREE.
Call, text or email for more information or to request accommodation:
David Ottaviano, Site Manager