Stay safe & warm in the extreme cold
With temperatures steadily dipping, County officials remind residents to take precautions when going outdoors in the extreme cold.
Adults and children should always wear:
- a hat
- a scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
- sleeves that are snug at the wrist
- mittens (they are warmer than gloves)
- water-resistant coat and boots
- several layers of loose-fitting clothing
Read more tips for facing harsh weather.
Tips for preparing for winter emergencies
Preparing for winter
storms is very similar to preparing for other emergencies like hurricanes or
floods, with the addition of a few cold-weather supplies. County officials encourage residents to
prepare their family, home and
vehicle for emergencies.
Learn more about how you can prepare for winter emergencies here.
Pertussis (Tdap)
Vaccine: What you need
to know
If you are in contact
with newborns or infants, please remember to get your Tdap booster. This
vaccine helps to protect against whooping cough which is highly contagious and
can cause severe problems to infants. The Monmouth County Health Department (MCHD) is presently
offering free Tdap to adults. Call 732-431-7456 to make an appointment.
Rabies vaccination clinics
The MCHD hosts rabies vaccination clinics for pets throughout the County during the year. The rabies clinics are for dogs and cats only. Upcoming clinics
will be available in the following locations:*
- Thursday, Jan. 11, 7-8 p.m. – Eatontown
Firehouse, 45 Broad Street
- Wednesday, Jan. 17, 7-8:30 p.m. - Manasquan
First Aid Building, Broad Street
- Saturday, Jan. 20, 9-11 a.m. - Oceanport
Firehouse, 433 Myrtle Avenue
- Saturday, Jan. 20, 1-2 p.m. - Millstone
Public Works Garage, 899 Perrineville Road
- Wednesday, Jan. 24, 5-7 p.m. - Bradley
Beach Firehouse, 815 Rear Main Street
- Saturday, Feb. 24, 2-4 p.m. - Shrewsbury
Twp., Town Hall Gym, 1979 Crawford Street
*New clinics are added on a regular basis; please visit our Calendar of Events often!
American Heart Month
Heart disease and stroke kill one in three women, yet is 80% preventable. On Friday, Feb. 6, show your support on National Wear Red Day. Go Red to help raise awareness to end heart disease and stroke in women! For more information about prevention, and other events throughout the month, visit the American Heart Association. |
Is it a cold or the flu?
It is easy to confuse
the flu just as a "bad cold." The flu, however, is a disease of the
lungs and it can have serious complications. The flu can produce severe
symptoms that prevent those affected from carrying on with daily
Flu activity monitoring
To date, this year our
influenza surveillance is showing high Influenza-like illness activity. It’s
not too late to get a flu shot.