Zika Virus update
Monmouth County Health Department (MCHD) continually monitors the Zika virus situation in the country and New Jersey. At the end of August there were 100 confirmed travel-related cases of Zika Virus in the state. Currently, there are no Zika cases resulting from transmission by local mosquitoes.
It is still best to prevent being bitten by a mosquito for any reason. We call it the "Fight the Bite" approach. Use mosquito repellent, wear long sleeves and long pants, stay in air conditioning, or if a window is open be sure the screen is in place and intact. Always check and remove standing water from your yard. Visit our website or the CDC's Zika Virus page.
Flu Shot Clinics available soon
 Flu Season is quickly approaching; it's time to plan to get your flu shot. The MCHD is currently scheduling clinics for the next several months. Check the Calendar of Events regularly for dates and times. Cost is $25.00 and several insurance plans are accepted. Call 732-431-7456, ext. 8512 for more information.
Lead in drinking water & paint
Lead in drinking water remains a very serious concern in schools and older homes. Lead-based paint in homes can also be an issue. The MCHD has an abundance of information available to residents through the Childhood Lead Poisoning Program. Our goal is to protect children from exposure to lead before they are harmed. No safe blood lead level in children has been identified; even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention, and academic performance. Lead hazards in a child’s environment must be identified and controlled, or removed using Lead Safe Work Practices.
Fish Kills
As witnessed recently, fish kills cause alarm, especially when occurring locally. Most fish kills occur naturally; where large schools of fish enter an area of water with low oxygen levels. They can also be caused by algae blooms and water contamination. Should you encounter a fish kill, contact the MCHD. Do not attempt to touch or handle the fish. Visit our Algae Monitoring page to read about algae sampling and active advisories affecting Monmouth County.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
estimated 54,270 people were diagnosed with Leukemia and 80,900 with Lymphoma in 2015. To learn more, read documentation from the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New
September is National Preparedness Month
Are you ready for the next emergency? It could be a sprained ankle or a tropical storm. One of the best ways to prepare for emergencies is to have a kit ready. Different types of kits provide for a variety of emergency situations: a first aid kit for your personal injuries, a kit for your home to shelter in place, a kit with supplies for you have to evacuate,