The Washington Road bridge over the D&R Canal in Princeton and West Windsor is closed and detoured as the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) undertakes an emergency bridge replacement project.
As of 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 26, Washington Road is closed between Faculty Road and Tiger Lane. Local access will be maintained between Route 1 and Tiger Lane. Work is expected to be completed this fall.
Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes reminds residents that although Washington Road is a county roadway (CR 571), the canal bridge is under the jurisdiction of NJDOT, which is undertaking the bridge replacement.
“NJDOT has been monitoring the condition of the bridge and determined that the replacement project couldn’t wait,” he said. “Safety is always the top priority, so I urge motorists to be patient and to allow extra time when traveling into and out of Princeton for the duration of the project.”
NJDOT will have variable message signs directing motorists to detour routes, which include the following:
Washington Road southbound detour:
- Motorists wishing to travel south on Washington Road will be directed to use Route 27/Nassau Street
- Turn left onto Alexander Street
- Take the ramp to Route 1 northbound to New Brunswick
- Take the jughandle to CR 571 northbound/Princeton to Washington Road
- From Route 27/Nassau Street, turn right onto Harrison Street
- Turn right onto Route 1 southbound
- Stay right on Route 1 southbound to take the “All Turns” lane to CR 571/Hightstown/Princeton back to Washington Road
Washington Road northbound detour (updated):
- Motorists on Washington Road northbound before the Route 1 intersection wishing to cross the Washington Road bridge over the D&R Canal will be directed to turn right onto Route 1 northbound
- Stay right to take Harrison Street exit
- Cross Route 1 and continue on Harrison Street westbound/Princeton
- Turn left onto Route 27/Nassau Street southbound back to Washington Road
- Motorists on Washington Road northbound before the Route 1 intersection wishing to cross the Washington Road bridge over the D&R Canal will be directed to turn left onto Route 1 southbound
- Take the ramp to Alexander Road westbound/Princeton
- Continue on Alexander Road and turn right onto University Place
- Turn right onto Route 27/Nassau Street northbound back to Washington Road
+Route 1 to Washington Road northbound detour:
Motorists traveling on Route 1 northbound or southbound wishing to travel into Princeton using Washington Road northbound will be directed to use Alexander Road/Alexander Street or South Harrison Street/Lower Harrison Street.
Pedestrian access
Access to the D&R Canal towpath will be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists on Washington Road southbound, crossing the Washington Road bridge over Carnegie Lake. Barriers will be in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists to the towpath a safe distance away from the active construction zone.
Pedestrians and cyclists on Washington Road northbound will not be able to access the D&R Canal towpath. Instead, they can use crossings at Alexander Street and Harrison Street.
The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather and other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website for construction updates and real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow the agency on Twitter @NewJerseyDOT or on the NJDOT Facebook page.
