Hughes, DeAngelo sign labor agreement for airport project

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EWING -- Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes and Assemblyman Wayne P. DeAngelo, President of the Mercer/Burlington Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, today signed a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) ensuring a reliable source of skilled and experienced labor for the Trenton-Mercer Airport passenger terminal replacement project.

Airport terminal PLA signing 1-25-23

County Executive Hughes and Assemblyman DeAngelo were joined at the signing, held on the second level of the Trenton-Mercer Airport terminal, by members of the building trades.

The project to construct a new terminal that will accommodate existing passenger capacity, provide modern amenities and support future passenger growth, is in phase 2 of design, with design completion anticipated by the end of 2023 or very early next year. Concurrent to the terminal project is the design and construction of a 1,000-space parking garage.

Mr. Hughes thanked Assemblyman DeAngelo and his union members, “who have come out to support this airport, to make sure this will be one of the finest projects we’re ever done in Mercer County.”

“This is going to be a big project, and it’s a project that has gone through a lot of hoops and barriers,” he said. “The FAA, the federal government, the state government, municipal regulations, stormwater regulations – it’s gone through everything. But we are ready now to move forward.”

Assemblyman DeAngelo said the PLA between the County of Mercer and the Mercer/Burlington Counties Building and Construction Trades Council ensures “local people on local jobs that are paid the area wages and standards, which is our men and women that we train.”

“During construction this project will create hundreds of union jobs, putting our brothers and sisters to work, making sure that their families are fed and a roof is over their heads,” he said.


PHOTO CAPTION: Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo, seated at left, and Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes sign a Project Labor Agreement between the Mercer/Burlington Counties Building and Construction Trades Council and the County of Mercer for the construction of the Trenton-Mercer Airport terminal project. Looking on are members of the building trades.