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Mercer County seal style guide for employees

As part of the ongoing evolution of the Mercer County brand, we are seeking uniform usage and application of the Mercer County seal. The official Mercer County seal is well recognized and imparts legitimacy, authority, history and cultural importance wherever it is applied. To assist us in reaching our uniformity goal, a style guide has been created to ensure that your usage of the official Mercer County seal meets our requirements. The style guide, below, is also posted on the county intranet and the website.

Among the places to check for incorrect usage are:

  • Letterhead and business cards
  • Website pages, PowerPoint templates
  • Documents on the county intranet and internet
  • Individual Outlook signatures
  • Promotional materials
  • Posts and videos created for social media sites
  • Decals and signage

Read about the history of the Mercer County seal on our website.

For further guidance, please contact Cheryl Reed, Graphic Artist, Office of Communications at

Official County Seal Style Guide