Last Call! FEMA Substantial Damage Determination Training
A Two-Part Webinar for New Jersey Community Officials
Local floodplain management regulations for communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program contain minimum requirements that apply not only to new structures, but also to existing structures determined to be “Substantially Improved” or “Substantially Damaged”.
FEMA is hosting a free 2-part webinar series for NJ community officials about SI/SD requirements and the Substantial Damage Estimator.
Enforcing these requirements is a crucial part of a community’s floodplain management responsibilities, ensuring that older buildings are brought up to current standards that keep people and property safe. The Substantial Damage Estimator tool helps floodplain administrators and other community officials to develop reasonable estimates of structure values and damages in accordance with FEMA requirements. The tool also provides a consistent method for damage assessment as well as reports that can be shared with property owners and the public to justify the results.
Follow the links below to register!
Basic Substantial Damage Training (Part 1)
Substantial Damage Estimator (SDE) (Part 2)
For each session, two hours Continuing Education Credits for Certified Floodplain Managers® are approved through the Association of State Floodplain Managers for this training. Additionally for each session, 0.2 administrative Continuing Education Units for NJ Uniform Construction Code officials are approved for this training.
Follow the links below to register for upcoming trainings being offered by the DEP and FEMA!
Local Design Flood Elevation Worksheet
How to Implement a Substantial Damage Management Plan
Model Code Coordinated Ordinance Rollout
Ordinance Administration and Model Permit