The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is seeking public comment on the draft 2018 and 2020 combined 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Waters (303(d) List) and draft New Jersey Integrated Water Quality Assessment Report (Integrated Report).
A public notice seeking public comment on the 303(d) List is published in the June 21, 2021 New Jersey Register. The public notice along with the priority ranking for development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and the two-year schedule of impaired waters identified for the development of a TMDL are available on the Department web page at https://www.state.nj.us/dep/wqmp/notices.html. The public notice allows a 60-day public comment period.
The draft 2018/2020 Integrated Report is available for review at https://www.state.nj.us/dep/wms/bears/assessment.htm. The Integrated Report is comprised of the 303(d) List and the Integrated List of Waters that addresses the overall water quality of the State’s waters including support of designated uses, required under Section 305(b) of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA). The Department, in coordination with the USEPA, has combined the 2018 and 2020 303(d) Lists into the latest Integrated Report. The list has transitioned from a document format to an online web-based format. The web-based report significantly enhances the user experience by reducing the size of the report, making the information easy to access and read and improving visualization of the water quality results.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is dedicated to protecting New Jersey’s environment and public health. The agency prioritizes addressing climate change, protecting New Jersey’s water, revitalizing its communities and managing and promoting its natural and historic resources.
For the most recent information about the DEP, follow its Twitter feed at @NewJerseyDEP or visit www.nj.gov/dep.
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