Teal season kicks off Sept. 4
Fall is almost here, and that means one thing for waterfowlers: teal season, with more duck seasons to come.
Make plans for an exciting season opener, as the 2021 teal season kicks off Sept. 4. You can look forward to other seasons starting in October, including duck and coot.
Something new this year to be aware of: Duck hunters will need to choose from two bag-limit categories, or "tiers," when registering for a HIP number:
- Tier I – The “traditional” six duck daily bag limit with species and sex restrictions (eighteen bird possession limit)
- Tier II – A three duck daily bag limit without species and sex restrictions (nine bird possession limit)
This change was made with novice hunters in mind. If you're still learning how to identify ducks, you can now go waterfowl hunting without the fear of breaking bag limit laws. Learn more at our website.
**Please note: These new regulations do NOT apply to teal season. However, teal hunters will still need a HIP number!
Other things to know:
Guides: Check out the 2021-2022 Small Game and Waterfowl Guide for information on season dates, bag limits, identification tips and much more.
Public Access Atlas: Looking for a place to hunt? The Public Access Atlas displays over 1.2 million acres of publicly accessible lands across Nebraska.
Hunter education: There's still time to take a hunter education course and become familiar with the principles of hunter safety.
This season is one you don't want to miss. Gather your friends and family, and start planning now for the start of another great season. (Don't forget to buy a permit!)