Nebraska Project WILD Update- Happy New Year!

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nebraska project wild update

January 6, 2021

1000 Hours Outside

Join the Challenge


Research has shown that children are naturally drawn to unrestricted outdoor play, which contributes extensively to every area of childhood development.  Yet, children are losing around 1,200 hours of outdoor play to screen time annually.  

So, that being said, we challenge you to complete the 1000 hours outside challenge this calendar year.  The idea is to match nature time with screen time.  If kids can consume screen time 1200 hours a year on average, then there is time that some of it can be devoted and shifted to a more productive and healthy outcome.  

1000 hours of outside time seems incredibly daunting, especially at the beginning of January in Nebraska.  However, it is doable.  And, making sure that nature time doesn't get lose in free tracking sheet here.  

What's Going On In Nature?


Despite the often bleak look of the trees, white snow, and bare landscapes, winter is still a great time to get outside and find things!  

For instance- winter bird feeding.  All it takes is a simple feeder and some bird seed to get all the birds to your yard.  Many birds such as chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches and finches rely on winter feed to balance their calorie lot for the day.  So get out there and feed them and record what you see. 

Winter is also a great time to find tracks.  Many times you never see animal tracks in the summer because it's too dry for animals to make them.  A freshly fallen snow helps display all the cool animal tracks.  Which ones are you seeing?

Owls are also actively calling for mates around this time of year.  Listen for the distinctive "whoooo, whooo" of the Great Horned Owl.  Or the "Who cooks for you?, Who cooks for you all?" of the Barred Owl.  

Nature Tails

Nebraska Game and Parks is hosting a virtual Pre-K program through ZOOM called Nature Tails.  This program is designed to teach a new theme every week on Tuesdays beginning January 12 and running through February 16th, 2021. 

At 10am CST preschoolers and families will follow along as our educators read a children's book, and then do a short activity following the theme afterward.  The themes include; mammals, observations, owls, groundhogs, seeds, and animals in winter.  

Pre-registration is not required.  To participate, simply use this link to login on Tuesdays at 10am.  

For questions, please email 


Nebraska Game and Parks is hosting a virtual Pre-K program through ZOOM called Nature Tails.  This program is designed to teach a new theme every week on Tuesdays beginning January 12 and running through February 16th, 2021. 

At 10am CST preschoolers and families will follow along as our educators read a children's book, and then do a short activity following the theme afterward.  The themes include; mammals, observations, owls, groundhogs, seeds, and animals in winter.  

Pre-registration is not required.  To participate, simply use this link to login on Tuesdays at 10am.  

For questions, please email 

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Virtual Webinar Series- The Science of...


The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Education Division will be hosting a free six week virtual webinar series entitled “The Science of…” every Thursday from 3-4pm Central Standard Time (CST) starting January 14, 2021.

In “The Science of…” series Game and Parks educators will be discussing some of the science behind every day common things we see or hear about regarding nature and animals.  This webinar series is perfect for anyone that is curious about the weird and wondrous world we live in, and would love some fun facts to throw in at your future gatherings and parties!

All webinars are free, however pre-registration is required via ZOOM.  Please check out the six week series schedule below for information and the link to register.  Each webinar requires a separate registration. 

Once you are registered you will receive a confirmation email with a password that will be used to log in to the webinar on the specific date and time to attend. 

Unable to attend a live event?  Each virtual webinar will be recorded and posted to the Nebraska Game and Parks YouTube Education Channel.

Please contact with questions or for more information.  You can also check out the events on the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Facebook Page and the Nebraska Project WILD Facebook page. 

Thursday January 14 (3-4pm CST) - The Science of…Hibernation

Thursday January 21 (3-4pm CST) – The Science of…Body Coverings

Thursday January 28 (3-4pm CST) – The Science of…Turtles

Thursday February 4 (3-4pm CST) – The Science of…Mosses & Lichens

Thursday February 11 (3-4pm CST) – The Science of…Threatened & Endangered Species

Thursday February 18 (3-4pm CST) – The Science of…Wetlands

Virtual Conservation Career Chats


Ever wondered what a day in the life of a conservation officer is really like? Or, what field equipment our zoologist uses to track tiger beetles? How about how many miles our public information officers hike to get photos for a NEBRASKAland story? Well, wonder no more! Join us on the third Wednesday of each month at 10am (CST) as we highlight 12 different careers within the Game and Parks realm. These live interviews will be conducted via ZOOM and each month we will focus on a different career within Nebraska Game and Parks.

Here, students and the public will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the career field, during the live interview. Presenters will also be showcasing photos, props and new information on their daily life in their job. There may even be a few live ambassadors joining us…who knows?

Each Conservation Career Chat event is FREE to attend, however, each month will have a different ZOOM link to log on, no registration required.  Can’t attend live? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Each interview will be recorded and placed on our Nebraska Game and Parks Education YouTube Channel for later viewing.

Below is the scheduled Conservation Career Chat dates, times and themes. For questions please email

Wednesday January 20; 10am (CST) - Outdoor Education Specialist

Wednesday February 17; 10am (CST) – Zoologist

Wednesday March 17; 10am (CST) – Aquatic Invasive Species Program Manager

Wednesday April 21; 10am (CST) – Conservation Officer

Wednesday May 19; 10am (CST) – Public Relations Manager

Wednesday June 16; 10am (CST) – Fisheries Outreach Program Manager

Wednesday July 21; 10am (CST) – Public Information Officer/NEBRASKAland Photographer

Wednesday August 18; 10am (CST) – Private Lands Biologist

Wednesday September 15; 10am (CST) – Recreation Planner

Wednesday October 20; 10am (CST) – Nebraska Natural Legacy Biologist

Wednesday November 17; 10am (CST) – Park Superintendent

Wednesday December 15; 10am (CST) – Carnivore Program Manager