Active Member News
September 2024
 TFFR's pension consists of employee and employer contributions and investment earnings. The State Investment Board is responsible for investment of the contributions. Performance data for the fund is available on RIO's website.
Responses may be delayed due to limited staff availability
TFFR responses may be delayed due to limited staff availability this fall. Members in need of assistance are encouraged to contact retirement services by email. If the issue is time sensitive, please call (701) 328-9885 or (800) 952-2970 during office hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., and Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Review your annual statement to ensure accuracy
Annual retirement benefit statements as of June 30, 2024, have been uploaded to TFFR member online service. TFFR members are encouraged to login to their account and take a few minutes to review the statement to ensure the account information is accurate.
What to review:
- Name, address, birthdate and Person ID number (6 digits).
- Membership status: Tier 1 Grandfathered, Tier 1 Non-Grandfathered or Tier 2.
- Account Value: employer and member contributions, purchase payments and interest earned (6%).
- Service credit: 700 hours = 1.000 year.
- 2023-24 retirement salary (i.e., all eligible pay for contracted teaching, supervisory, administrative, and extracurricular duties).
- Estimated Retirement Benefits.
- Disability Retirement Benefits.
- Primary beneficiary(ies).
- Survivor benefits.
Need assistance? Contact RIO at rio@nd.gov.
MyTFFR Member Self-Service will launch in December 2024
In December 2024, RIO will launch MyTFFR, a new self-service portal that will allow TFFR members to manage a wide range of account transactions online including adding or updating beneficiaries, estimating benefits, requesting appointments, and submitting a retirement application.
If you currently have access to TFFR’s online member service, your login credentials will transfer to MyTFFR.
If you don’t have access, you can create a login and access the existing system by visiting RIO’s website and selecting TFFR Member Login.
Are you on track to a secure retirement?
Are you saving enough for retirement? When can you afford to retire? How long will your money last?
In two minutes or less, the Retirement Analyzer Tool on "Smart with My Money," the State of North Dakota's new financial literacy website, will help you find out.
The tool is just one of the many free resources offered on the Smart with your Money website designed to enhance your financial skills and evaluate your finances to achieve your goals.
Ready to retire? Attend a Group Benefit Presentation
RIO will hold a series of face-to-face and virtual TFFR Group Benefit Presentations in September and October. Members who are nearing retirement are invited to attend one of the 90-minute presentations to gain a basic understanding of TFFR's benefit options and the program's retirement process. Pre-registration is required to verify membership and generate a benefit estimate. Register or learn more about these events.
How can I learn more about TFFR's pension program?
Take your first steps to a secure retirement by learning about TFFR's pension program - review the Member Handbook or watch a Program Overview.
Get to know the TFFR Board of Trustees - Alexis Rasset
Alexis Rasset is a special education teacher at the Mandan Public Schools and represents active teachers. Ms. Rasset was appointed to the TFFR board in 2024.
Tell us a little about yourself? I am born and raised in Mandan. Married to my husband, Jon, of 17 years. We have a 16-year-old son, Jacob, who is a junior in high school. I also have a 26-year-old stepson, Chandler, who is recently married. I graduated from Dickinson State University and have been employed at Mandan High School as a specialist for the last 8 years.
What motivated you to join the TFFR board of trustees? I was motivated to join the TFFR board because I felt the need to do what I can to protect the retirement plan for teachers. I know I have a lot to learn but I am very passionate about keeping TFFR safe and stable so all can continue in the profession knowing their retirement being taken care of.
What do you see as the greatest challenge the TFFR is facing? The biggest challenge that I see TFFR potentially facing is with the state legislature. As we know, PERS’s defined benefit plan was closed to new members and it is only a matter of time before TFFR becomes the next target. Our retirement is so important, and we need to do everything we can to protect it.
How do you stay informed about issues affecting the education profession? I stay informed about issues affecting the education profession in a number of ways. First and foremost, I am an active member in our union at the local, state, and national level. At my local, Mandan Education Association, I am finishing my term as president elect; next year I will start my two-year term as president. At the state level I serve on the board of directors for the southwest region, and I also participate in the lobby days. At the national level I participate in both NEA and AFT events that keep us in the know for issues we could be facing and how to be effective leaders during those challenging times. I also frequently check what is happening in the news at the state and national level that are relevant to our profession.
Share a time when feedback led to a significant change or decision? Being an active member of my union provides many opportunities for feedback leading to change. When you have good working relationships it allows for hard discussions to happen. Whether the discussion is around a school calendar, things needed for a classroom or policy changes, being involved in those conversations can impact positive change.
In case you missed it...
"School choice task force holds first listening session," ND Monitor
"Rasset appointed to TFFR board," RIO news release
"State K-12, Career and Tech Ed Board seeks candidate," DPI news release
"Task force adopts recommendations to better recruit, retain teachers," ND Monitor
"School district responsibility for student costs... 2024-25 school year," DPI news release
"NDDPI is first K-12 state education program to earn accreditation," DPI news release
"State guidance on Artificial Intelligence helps teachers, students," DPI news release
"ND receives 2024 Frand Newman Award for State Innovation," NDDPI news release
RIO earns financial reporting certificate of achievement
RIO has been honored with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
To be recognized, a government agency must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) that satisfies both generally accepted accounting principles and the applicable legal requirements. RIO received the certificate for its ACFR for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. This marks the 26th consecutive year that RIO has earned the certificate.
TFFR's administrative staff
Jan Murtha, executive director Chad Roberts, deputy executive director/ chief retirement officer Denise Weeks, retirement program mgr. Denise Leingang-Sargeant, retirement specialist Derrick Levey, administrative support Jayme Heick, retirement specialist Mensah Anyide-Ocloo, member specialist Rachelle Smith, administrative assistant Sarah Mudder, communications and outreach director
TFFR board of trustees
Dr. Robert Lech, president, active Mike Burton, vice president, retired Scott Evanoff, trustee, retired Cody Mickelson, trustee, active Alexis Rasset, trustee, active Kirsten Baesler, state superintendent Thomas Beadle, state treasurer
Other forms of this newsletter are available upon request.
Our Mission: "To provide prudent and transparent investment services for our client funds and support North Dakota public school educators with responsible benefit administration." |