Number 3
Report Looks at the Future of ‘Portrait of a Graduate,’ in North Carolina and Beyond
"In fall 2022, state Superintendent Catherine Truitt unveiled the 'Portrait of a Graduate' — highlighting seven skills the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) hoped public schools across North Carolina would incorporate into day-to-day learning.
Those durable skills — adaptability, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, empathy, learner’s mindset, and personal responsibility — were whittled down from a list of more than 50 from a group of 1,200 stakeholders across the state.
Nearly two and a half years later, DPI is still working to ensure that North Carolina students are 'well equipped for the broadest range of postsecondary opportunities, be it college, career, or military.' Earlier this week, DPI released the first set of Portrait of a Graduate (POG) K-12 'performance tasks,' a list of activities that combines durable skills with academics."
Read the full story here.