Important EOY Information
- EOY - Updates for the week of June 24-28, 2024*
- NCEdCloud System Upgrade During EOY 2024
- EDDIE Transition to 2024-25 Year End Close
- ECATS End-of-Year (EOY)
- Special Year-End Processing for PMR Month 9
- PowerSchool State Reporting Updates*
NC SIS Weekly Updates
Topics in this issue:
- Null Student Race Codes in PowerSchool
- Adding Future Schools and Grade Levels to PowerSchool
- Pre-Registering Students
- Reminder: PowerSchool Years and Terms at the LEA Office
- Grad Plan Endorsement Calculation
- Final Transcript Procedures for High School Principals, PowerSchool Coordinators, Data Managers and School Counselors
- Data Conversion and Address Validation
- Office of Learning Recovery (OLR) Program Enrollment Reminders
- OCR/CRDC - SY2023-2024 PowerSchool SQL Reports Available
- Registration is now OPEN - NCBOLD 2024
- The Home Base Opt-in Process is Open!
- Save the Date! - SIS Conference 2024
*indicates new article this week
Important EOY Information!
EOY Updates
EOY Process Plan - Updated for the week of June 24-28, 2024
The 2023-24 End of Year Processing (EOY) is scheduled to begin Friday, June 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The PowerSchool SIS maintenance page will go up at that time for all users. PowerSchool will begin the Pre-EOY tasks and backups at that time. EOY Contacts will regain access on the morning of Monday, July 1, 2024. EOY Contacts do not need to wait for a notification, if the system is available and the “Perform EOY and Promote Students” option is available on July 1, 2024, you can run your EOY at that time.
The EOY Webinar will begin Monday, July 1 at 7:00 a.m. where EOY contacts can login to receive immediate assistance as well as confirm EOY is complete for your PSU. All listed EOY contacts should have received an invite to the webinar from PowerSchool. Please submit a PowerSchool case if you are a listed EOY Contact and you did not receive an invite to the EOY Webinar for July 1, 2024 via email.
EOY Contacts will be notified once the system is available.
We anticipate all Home Base applications will return to service no later than Thursday, July 4, 2024, but this date remains an estimated date.
Please note: The Perform EOY and Promote Students process will be run by all PSU EOY contacts on Monday, July 1, 2024.
Important: EOY Reminders
- EOY Contacts updates were due June 1 - this page can no longer be updated in PowerSchool.
Run and approve state reports - these must be completed by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 28, 2024. Once the system comes down at 5:00 p.m. on June 28, 2024 - PSUs will not have access to the state reporting dashboard until Saturday, July 6, 2024. Previous year reports cannot be unlocked and reran.
- Students should only be pre-registered if they are NOT active in any other PSU
- Review the PS User Guide: End-of-Year Processing - Updated for 23-24!
- New Schools and grade levels must be added to EDDIE by Sunday, July 7
NCEdCloud System Upgrade During EOY 2024
NCEdCloud LEA Administrators,
The NCEdCloud team has identified a necessary backend system upgrade that will improve the reliability, scalability, and security of the NCEdCloud IAM Service. In consultation across NCDPI divisions, Identity Automation will complete this upgrade during the EOY processing downtime window.
On Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m., the NCEdCloud IAM Service will be taken offline for the upgrade. NCEdCloud will return to service no later than 7:00 p.m. that evening. During the upgrade, users will be unable to log in to NCEdCloud or access any downstream applications. With many applications offline for EOY during this period, PSU impact should be limited.
Please contact or with any questions or concerns. As always, thank you for your support!
EDDIE Transition to 2024-25 Year End Close
Date: May 8, 2024 To: EDDIE Subscribed Users From: Shannon Miller, EDDIE Administrator, Division of School Business, NCDPI RE: EDDIE Transition to 2024-25 (Fiscal Year End Close)
The following information applies to all public school units in NC, including charter schools, regional and lab schools, state agency operated schools, and federal schools. It is required as part of the Uniform Education Reporting System per 115C-12(18). Failure to comply can result in Financial NonCompliance. Please share this memo with your SIS Coordinator, Accountability, Finance, HR staff, etc.
Currently, EDDIE should contain only 2023-24 data. DO NOT enter data for 2024-25 until July 1st. The exception is future or pending schools for 2024-25.
EDDIE will close early the morning of Saturday, June 29th and will open Monday morning, July 1st for school year 2024-25. After EDDIE closes on June 29th, DPI will archive the data as the official record for school year 2023-24. This record will not be revised and will be used for all future State & Federal reporting, including the NC School Report Cards. If data is updated for 2024-25 before July 1st, your 2023-24 EDDIE data and the NC School Report Cards will be inaccurate.
Now Through June 29th:
- Check that all 2023-24 data is current. Update data that is not accurate.
- New schools opening next year should have already been entered in EDDIE. Their status will show as "Future" if approved, or "Pending" if not yet approved. If new schools opening this summer or fall are not in EDDIE, enter a "New School Add Request" in EDDIE ASAP with an opening date of 07/01/2024.
- Closing schools - make sure that 07/01/2024 has been entered in the closing date field on that school's page. Closing schools are schools that won’t re-open next year and the students are being re-assigned to other schools. If a school is moving to a new location or changing its name, it is not closing. School numbers are assigned to student populations, not buildings.
- Approved Grade Levels can be updated any time your local board approves a future,
upcoming change. PowerSchool (PS) uses this to allow scheduling for new grade levels.
Starting July 1st:
- Verify all 2024-25 information is accurate for your LEA and/or school(s). Update as needed.
Use the EDDIE checklist (next page) to help with your updates for 2024-25.
If you have a school changing grade levels, you must update the Current Grade
Level in EDDIE between July 1st and the completion of PowerSchool’s EOY process. If the data is not updated in EDDIE to match PS, it will overwrite PS when they turn on the sync. PS plans to turn on their EDDIE sync the evening of July 7th – all changes should be made by 5 PM July 7. Contact PS for details.
General Info:
- EDDIE is used year-round by the public, state legislators, local governments, the federal
government, universities, researchers, realtors, journalists, and multiple systems at DPI. It is your responsibility to ensure that EDDIE is kept up to date throughout the year.
- PowerSchool (PS) pulls data (school names, grade levels, addresses, etc.) from EDDIE.
If you have PS questions, contact your PowerSchool or SIS Coordinator.
Help documents are posted at EDDIE | NC DPI, or send your questions to
EDDIE Checklist for 2024-25
Verify and update beginning July 1st:
- Every school should have two names in EDDIE; the Official Name (full name as approved by
local board) and a School Name (short version, commonly used.) Example:
John and Jane Doe Magnet Elementary School of Technology and Global Awareness is
the Official Name in EDDIE. Doe Elementary is the School Name in EDDIE.
- Schools that closed in 2023-24 are in EDDIE with a status of "Closed" and dated 07/01/2024
- Schools opening Summer/Fall 2023 are in EDDIE with a status of "New"
- Schools that opened in 2023-24 have changed status from "New" to "Open"
- Current Grade Levels for every school must be accurate:
- Charters and new schools often add a grade each year, double-check this
- Grade Level XG is very specific. Not all schools should include XG
- Including PK is optional, unless the PK program receives state and/or federal funds
- Approved Grade Levels (Charters approved by SBE. LEA schools approved by local board *)
- *Note: All Grade 13, CIHS & ECHS grade levels must be approved by the SBE.
- School Type (Regular, Alternative, Exceptional Children, Career Tech.) for every school
- Virtual Status (Suppvirtual & Notvirtual may be changed. Fullvirtual & Facevirtual are updated by DPI.)
- Program Type (Magnet & Hospital may be changed. CIHS & ECHS are updated by DPI.)
- Calendar Type (Traditional, Year Round, etc.)
- Schedule Type (Semester, Block, Quarterly – these are locally defined types)
- Accreditation Status (Should be SACS or blank – except high schools approved by SBE)
- Addresses (Note - enter a mailing address only if it is different from the street address. If a mailing address is listed, contact the school to verify it is still being used.)
- Phone & Fax numbers
- URL: Web address for LEAs & schools - must include http:// - click link to verify it works
- UEI (fka SAM) Information (recently added for all LEAs, and IPSs)
- Staff information (if unavailable, enter Vacant in first name field):
- Interim indicator was recently added to EDDIE
- Principal/Director name (displayed on school page, update on school staff page)
- Superintendent name (LEAs only, displayed on LEA page, update on LEA staff page)
- Selected central office staff
- Board Chair and Vice Chair for all LEAs and IPSs (recently added for LEAs)
- Email addresses (for all staff in EDDIE)
- Click on the blue field names in EDDIE for descriptions, examples, etc.
- Have more than one EDDIE subscribed user for your LEA or Charter School and share the work.
- LEAs - Use the reports on your LEA page or the Create Custom Reports (on Main Menu page) to
get overviews of your data. Filter custom reports by your LEA name or number, download the spreadsheets to your computer.
If you have questions, please check the FAQs, Terms, Staff Entries, and other documents posted at EDDIE | NC DPI. Send questions to
ECATS End-of-Year (EOY)
The 2023-24 EOY Process for the Home Base suite of applications will begin Friday, June 28. PowerSchool will be taken offline on Friday at 5:00 p.m. EOY processing and archiving of data will start then.
School year close-out files for ECATS will be pulled at EOY shutdown. This allows ECATS to have final data for the 2023-2024 school year.
During the EOY process, ECATS will remain available for use; however, data transfers between the systems will be turned off during this time. This means no new students will be added to ECATS, and no 2024-2025 student data will be updated in ECATS until the EOY process is complete, EDDIE data has been synced, and other data verifications have occurred.
Please watch for communication updates as this end-of-year process and setup for the beginning of the new school year takes place.
Special Year-End Processing for PMR Month 9
All PSUs are required to successfully submit the month 9 PMR report by COB (5 PM) on Friday, June 28, 2024. The final Principal Monthly Report for the school year 2023-24, month 9 PMR, executes a special processing routine that reevaluates all enrollment, membership, and attendance data posted to date. This increases the accuracy of the final PMR and has the potential to trigger PMR fatal error messages that were not previously triggered.
The month 9 PMR must be run several times to achieve a successful submission. PSUs are encouraged to provide adequate time to work with PowerSchool Support to correct any issues. The successful submission of the month 9 PMR report is only achieved when all fatal exceptions and student violations are resolved prior to the month end collection date. The timely submission of the month 9 PMR report will avoid delaying the state-wide EOY process.
9th Month PMR Actions
Now that the school year is coming to a close, it is imperative that all PSUs do the following:Make sure to run and approve the PMR report during the 9th month collection. By not running and approving the month 9 PMR report prior to the collection month end date, no data will be collected for the school and in addition, delay the end of year closeout process.Clear all fatal exceptions prior to the end date for 9th month collection. All fatal exceptions must be corrected prior to submitting the 9th month PMR report. Examples of the fatal exceptions that are repeated each collection month are:
- PMR 9 – Students missing admission status
- PMR 17 – Enrolled students with no schedule
- PMR 27 – Student with too few instructional minutes for PMR Reporting
- PMR 32 – Membership Last Day (MLD) for Reporting Month equals Zero. If you see the exception reported on your PMR Exceptions list, you need to verify that your calendar setup is correct. If you need assistance with making corrections, contact PowerSchool Support immediately.
In addition to the calendar setup, invalid school enrollment dates on the student’s Transfer Info screen or invalid class enrollment dates on the All Enrollments screen can also trigger the PMR 32 exception.
Before the 9th month approval, any student, regardless of age, in violation of the ten-day rule on the last day of the school year is to be withdrawn as a W2 on the day after the last day the student attended. PMR 30 will assist with the identification of the students in violation.
Running the PMR report prior to the submission end date will provide adequate time to review the 9th month PMR thoroughly, clear fatal exceptions, and to work with PowerSchool support to correct any issues.
If you need assistance clearing the exceptions, submit a PowerSchool ticket with the subject, PMR EOY Request, to PowerSchool support at For all other PMR related questions, contact Student Accounting at
PowerSchool State Reporting Updates*
Navigate to Reports > State Reports (run and approve at school level and final approval at PSU level)
All state reports must be run and approved no later than 6/28/2024. This is a hard deadline for EOY processing, and no extension beyond this date/time will be granted. The state reporting dashboard will be locked starting at 5:00 p.m. 6/28/2024 until July 6, 2024. State reports from previous years cannot be unlocked and rerun after EOY.
- Preliminary GDV Due 6/28/2024
- EPV Report - run it now and continue to run until 6/28/2024
- These reports have been unapproved and reran across the state for all PSUs
- Discipline Report - should be run weekly Due 6/28/2024
- Alternative Learning Program Report (ALP) Due 6/28/2024
- CTE Concentrator Calculation Due 6/28/2024
NC SIS Weekly Updates
Null Student Race Codes in PowerSchool
Please run the Null Race & Null Race-Students Table sqlReports in PowerSchool to identify any students within your PSU who are missing a race identifier and correct as quickly as possible. Many of the missing race codes are in the <300 program schools, SIS coordinators please work with your PSU program school contacts to verify correct race data for each student with a current null value.
Student records that are consumed by the CEDARS data warehouse must contain Race and Ethnicity data. The CEDARS data warehouse is the main source for federal reporting for North Carolina. If Race data does not exist, the student record is rejected and no other data such as Discipline, Entry/Exit, EC data for the student can be collected in the warehouse. Missing information will have a significant impact on federal reporting. It is critical that the PowerSchool student records that are missing the required Race codes be updated before June 26, 2024 in your PowerSchool instance.
In PowerSchool navigate at the PSU or School level to > sqlReports > Data Audits > Null Race report(s). Then, navigate to each student on the list to update the race in the student's Demographics.
Adding Future Schools and Grade Levels to PowerSchool
Adding Future Schools to PowerSchool
PowerSchool has pushed an update to North Carolina PowerSchool instances, enabling PSUs to add new schools for the 2024-2025 school year. To add a new school, it must first have an Operational Status of "Future School" in EDDIE.
Adding New Grade Levels in PowerSchool
PSUs that need to add new grade levels for the 2024-25 school year may now do so in PowerSchool. Before adding these grade levels to PowerSchool, your EDDIE administrator must ensure that the EDDIE “Approved” grade levels include the grades being added to the SIS. Remember to add these new grade levels to EDDIE “Current” grade levels after EOY. EDDIE “Current” grade level changes should not take place until then.
For information on how to add a grade level, please visit PowerSchool SIS Administrator - School Information.
Pre-Registering Students
Reminder: Students should only be pre-registered if they are not currently active in any other NC PSU. Typically, only a subset of Kindergarten students will meet this definition — many Kindergarteners already have active NC PSU records due to public preschool services. Pre-registering students for the next school year who are active NC students during the current school year has negative impacts on the NCEdCloud IAM service, accountability, and ECATS.
Pre-registered students must have the scheduling setup page appropriately populated with the student’s next year grade and next school indicator. For pre-registered students, the next year grade must be the grade level that the student will be enrolled for the upcoming school year. For example, if a Kindergarten student is pre-registered for the next school year before running the End of Year process for the current school year, the next year grade for the student on the Scheduling Setup page should be 0 (Kindergarten).
Reminder: PowerSchool Years and Terms at the LEA Office
At the LEA Office level in PowerSchool, the Years and Terms start and end dates MUST encompass the start date of the PSU’s earliest starting school and the end date of the PSU’s latest ending school. This also includes all Program Schools. The start date for Years and Terms at the LEA level should be 7/1 and the end date should be 6/30.
This information has been updated in the PS User Guide: End-of-Year Processing and can be found under Creating Years and Terms in the user guide.
Grad Plan Endorsement Recalculation*
Grad Plan and Endorsement Recalculation started at 5 PM on Friday, June 14, 2024, for all seniors across the state.
In preparation for the eTranscript pull to begin on Friday, June 21st, NCDPI ran a script to automatically recalculate Endorsements and Graduation Plans for all students grade levels 12 and up starting at 5 PM on Friday, June 14, 2024. The calculations completed for all seniors the morning of Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
Any manual change to student grades, current or historical, after June 14, 2024, means a recalculation of the Graduation Plan and Endorsements needs to take place.
These can be calculated manually on a student’s graduation plan screen or in mass via the overnight process. For complete details on how to queue your data for overnight or immediate processing, please view the PS QRD: Grad Plan Recalculation.
Please note: Running the stored grades process will automatically run the calculations for those students and PSUs will not need to run it again or queue it to run unless manual changes are made to grades.
Final Transcript Procedures for High School Principals, PowerSchool Coordinators, Data Managers and School Counselors
NCDPI and CFNC Electronic High School Transcript System Protocols and Processing Start Date for EOY 2024
To allow ample time for schools to store final marks and ensure that the “Diploma Issued Date” fields are populated correctly, NCDPI has requested that CFNC begin the electronic high school transcript system on Friday, June 21, 2024. This will be the start date to release queued final transcripts. The CFNC system automatically creates these queued requests for seniors who sent a non-final transcript earlier in the year. The CFNC transcript system will remain available for regular functions such as new transcript requests.
This schedule means it is critical that all final marks are stored before June 21, 2024, and all graduates have their “Diploma Issued Date” field populated on the student academics screen within PowerSchool.
Based on the standard system protocol, CFNC will automatically release queued final transcripts after June 21. As a reminder, the standard system protocol is for the automatic release of queued final transcripts ten days after your school end date in the PowerSchool calendar when two conditions are met:
- The PowerSchool “Diploma Issued Date” field is populated (not blank).
- The PowerSchool “Diploma Issued Date” Is after your school end date in the PowerSchool calendar.
If either of the two conditions mentioned above are not met when the CFNC system attempts to release the final transcript, the e-transcript requests will enter a nine-day processing loop. During this period, the system will make three additional attempts every three days until the conditions are met. If the conditions are met by the end of the nine-day processing loop, the final e-transcript will still be processed and released to colleges through CFNC. However, if the conditions are not met by the end of the nine-day processing loop, the final e-transcript request(s) will fail, and the student will be automatically notified by email. This underscores the importance of meeting the protocol requirements on time.
Incomplete final e-transcripts occur when final marks are not stored within ten days, and students have their “Diploma Issued Date” populated within PowerSchool. Schools must store grades within the specified period to prevent this to ensure proper processing. This reiteration emphasizes the necessity and responsibility of adhering to the protocol.
Again, e-transcript services will continue as normal through CFNC. Still, to allow schools time to store final marks and ensure that the “Diploma Issued Date” fields are populated correctly, the CFNC electronic high school transcript system will wait until Friday, June 21, 2024, to start releasing queued final transcripts.
Data Conversion and Address Validation
Address verification and validation are critical for the data conversion in Infinite Campus. As PSUs work to clean up addresses, they should collaborate with the transportation department to ensure the address changes won’t disrupt the current bus route information.
When updated student information is loaded into the school bus routing system, any change in street address will remove a student from their bus route pending reassignment. Please coordinate closely with the transportation department to minimize disruption and use valid County GIS map addresses. Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and other consumer mapping applications are more likely to provide invalid addresses in most PSUs.
Office of Learning Recovery (OLR) Program Enrollment Reminders
Reminder: Students Must be Enrolled in PowerSchool
As a reminder, PSUs are responsible for enrolling students in PRC 188 and 189 programs in PowerSchool during the 23-24 school year. Please utilize the HomeBase Quick Reference Guide if you have not yet enrolled students.
Due dates for data entry are as follows:
- PRC 189- Afterschool Academic Enrichment Programs: June 30, 2024
- PRC 188- Summer Career Accelerator: August 31, 2024
Please refer to the guidance document for additional information about PRC 189 reporting.
Phase I Schools & Districts for Infinite Campus Transition
If you are a Phase I PSU in transition to Infinite Campus this summer, please ensure that you have entered all PRC 189 (Afterschool Academic Enrichment Programs) enrollment prior to June 30, 2024.
If you are running PRC 188 prior to June 30, 2024, please enroll all students prior to the EOY deadline (6/30/2024)
If you are not running summer programming prior to June 30, 2024, we will be providing more information about enrolling students in PRC 188 once your PSU transitions to Infinite Campus. If you have questions about this, please reach out to OLR Program Manager, Jay Johnson at
OCR/CRDC - SY2023-2024 PowerSchool SQL Reports Available
Dear Coordinators,
Please inform other staff as appropriate. This message is regarding the CRDC collection for SY2023-2024.
Note: PSUs that were not open in the school year 2023-2024 are not required to participate in this collection.
PowerSchool CRDC SQL Reports for CRDC SY23-24
Current Year CRDC SQL reports have been added to PowerSchool. The report names begin with ‘CY’. These SQL reports have been updated to pull data from the 2023-2024 school year in preparation for the SY23-24 Civil Rights Data Collection. NCDPI recommends running and saving these SQL reports before EOY.
Important Note 1: The ‘CY’ CRDC SQL reports will only be accurate if run in the 2023-2024 school year in PowerSchool.
Important Note 2: The CRDC Reports that do not begin with ‘CY are only accurate for the SY21-22 collection and must be run in the PowerSchool 22-23 School Year.
CRDC SY2023-2024 Submission Dates Tentatively Scheduled
The next CRDC is tentatively scheduled to open in December 2024. Superintendents across the nation were messaged by the OCR during May informing them of the upcoming collection. All entities open in school year 2023-2024 will be required to submit data. When they have been updated, Partner Support at the federal level will publish updated LEA and School forms specific to the SY23-24 collection. Until the updated forms are published, it is recommended that PSUs use the SY22-23 documentation as their guideline for the collection. For more information, please visit the CRDC Communities website.
CRDC SY2023-2024 and Data Collected by NCDPI
Questions in SY21-22 that were optional will be required in CRDC SY23-24. NCDPI will collect and submit to the Federal Submission Tool the data available as identified in the document ‘CRDC 2021-2022 Collection by Entity ‘ located in The CRDC Canvas course. CRDC content in Canvas will be updated once information is available from the federal level.
Please email with any questions you may have.

Registration is OPEN - NCBOLD 2024
The Office of Digital Teaching and Learning (DTL) is excited to announce its new iteration of NCBOLD for this summer. At this 2 Day Event learn how to positively impact student learning through implementing the Digital Learning Competencies and Digital Learning Standards for students, learn more about the new SIS, attend Data Manager training, and dive into all of the cloud-based resources NCDPI has to offer. Join one of our locations for fresh ideas to immediately incorporate into your classroom and district practices!
Click HERE to register!
All sessions will be created and delivered by educators from across North Carolina. Concurrent sessions will support classroom teachers, support personnel, and school-level administrators in developing the capacity to improve instruction and provide digital leadership in classrooms and schools.
For the most current details, visit the NCBOLD Professional Learning site.
The Home Base Opt-in Process is Open
The NC Department of Public Instruction is pleased to announce that the Home Base Opt-in Process is now open. Click on the following link to see the full announcement and share with the appropriate staff: hb_pricing_memo 2024-25.
Note: Only finance officers and charter directors/principals should opt-in for their PSU.
Please visit the NCDPI Home Base Opt-in Website for detailed information concerning the Home Base Opt-in Process. Questions may be directed to or
Save the Date! - SIS Conference 2024
Home Base Admin Course
Feedback from PSUs identified a need for resource hubs for the Home Base products. The product managers have created Admin Resource Courses for each area. These resource courses are located in the NCDPI Canvas instance.
Please visit these courses. Below are the steps to enroll:
How to access these resources:
- Sign in to the Blue Canvas icon within NCEdCloud
- Using the Global Navigation (on the left), click the Home Base Resources button
- On the menu that opens, select the course(s) you would like to enroll into
- After enrolling, the course will appear on your Canvas Dashboard
Access for PSU PowerSchool SIS Admins
Any PSU PowerSchool SIS admin who does not have access to the NCDPI “Blue” Canvas located in the NCEdCloud portal and would like to have access follow these steps:
- Log into
- Find the Blue Canvas icon and click to launch it.
- Agree to the Canvas use policy question and Blue Canvas will open.
If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Stokes.
Other Information:
- Feel free to provide feedback on these courses. They all contain a feedback button on their homepage.
- We will continue to update these courses as more product information becomes available
NCDPI Technology Support Center
NCDPI's Technology Support Center continues to meet your support needs for:
- Schoolnet
- NCEES/Unified Talent
- Staff & Student UID (eScholar)
Support availability:
Web (NEW URL): - 24/7
Phone: 919-716-1840, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding state holidays)
Submitting a ServiceNow Ticket How to Document
Technical support for SIS needs is handled directly by PowerSchool Support using chat, phone, or by opening a case ticket.
Follow Us on Social Media!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and begin receiving "Did You Know" tips featuring each Home Base product.
These messages will include upcoming changes, tips, and even hidden treasures within each product to make your job easier. If you are not following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, click on the links below and begin today! Make sure you share this information with other staff within your school.
Instagram: @ncdpidtl Facebook: @ndpidtl X: @ncdpidtl