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Summer & Home Learning Activity Plans and Literacy Tips
A Website and a One-Page Document for Districts to Share with Families
The Office of Early Learning is excited to share a website of activities that can be used for at-home learning this summer. The Infant - Preschool activities align to NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development and the K-2nd Grade activities align to NC Standards.
We also have a one-page document that includes quick links to the website above, Literacy at Home, and tips for a successful summer full of literacy!
OEL LETRS® Make-Up/Sustainability Sessions
Sustainability sessions are for educators who have a current online training platform license with Lexia LETRS.
April/May/June Register from the calendar.
July/Aug/Sept Calendar *NEW*
Please note: OEL sessions are limited to 50 educators. If the session does not appear when clicking on the registration link, the session has reached capacity. Please check back often as some registrants will cancel, and a spot will open up.
Lexia LETRS® Make-up/Sustainability Sessions
Sustainability sessions are for educators who have a current online training platform license with Lexia LETRS.
Additional Unit 7 and 8 sessions have been added!
*Spring dates have been added! You will find one Registration Link that participants in any cohort can access.
Lexia has updated their Helpful Resources for NC document that is included in each district’s LETRS® implementation plan. For Lexia support please email
The Information Below Pertains to K-5 Only
Amplify Reading Camp Webinars and Office Hours
May 22nd Webinar & Office Hours Begin May 23rd!
Amplify will offer two reading camp webinars and multiple office hour sessions. The webinars will include a general presentation around enrollment, data collection, and setting up groups. The office hours will be an open time in Google Meet to ask questions and get clarifications specific to your needs.
Please click the link below for dates, times, and registration links.
Twice-Retained Supplemental Tutoring Survey
Due May 15, 2024
The purpose of this brief survey is to gather information related to twice-retained tutoring services. This information will help us align our guidance for districts and policy makers around twice-retained programming and funding.
Please complete the survey by May 15th, 2024.
2024-2025 Amplify Assessment Materials Order Form
Due June 28, 2024
Complete the form below to request Amplify mCLASS with DIBELS 8 assessment materials for new classrooms/schools in the 24-25 school year.
Assessment materials can be requested in English and/or Spanish. DL/I classrooms that are 100, 90/10 or 80/20 may choose to order assessment materials only in Spanish.
Please complete the order form by June 28, 2024. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing and delivery.
2024-2025 RtA Benchmark Assessment Window Survey
Due June 28, 2024
Please complete the 24-25 Benchmark Assessment Window Survey linked below no later than June 28, 2024. Note the highlighted change in the guidance to calculate the EOY benchmark dates. This has been updated to accommodate variations in PSU calendars (1025 hours of instruction vs. 185 days).
How to calculate benchmark windows:
- BOY: 15 consecutive instructional school days (not including holidays) within days 6 – 21 of the school year. No testing during the first 5 days to establish relationships and routines.
- MOY: 15 consecutive instructional school days (not including holidays) within days 80 – 100 of the school year.
- EOY: 15 consecutive instructional school days (not including holidays) immediately preceding the start of EOGs. The EOY window should end prior to the last 10 days of the school year.
NC ELI Requirements
2024-2025 School Year
Per § 115C‑83.5, NC ELI is required for ALL students enrolled in kindergarten. Learn more about implementation for Fall of 2024-2025 in the requirements letter below.
Formative assessment training will be fully asynchronous for the 2024-2025 school year, and access to the training will be communicated and available no later than July 1, 2024.
Amplify Train the Trainer (ToT) Sessions for 24-25 School Year
Sessions Begin in July 2024
DIBELS 8 Full-Day: Full-day remote session for those new to administration and scoring of measures, mCLASS reporting, instruction, and progress monitoring.
DIBELS 8 Half-Day: This is a half-day session for reviewing scoring and administration for PSF and NWF, best practices for progress monitoring, and a review of resources and system updates.
Lectura Full-Day: This is a full-day session to learn the research behind the assessment and the scoring and administration of all measures for grades K-3. You will also learn Lectura reporting and targeted lessons through Instruction to drive differentiated support for all students. Finally, you will learn about the new biliteracy report and cross-linguistic transfer opportunities in this resource.
Lectura Half-Day: This is a half-day session for reviewing scoring and administration for Lectura measures, best practices for progress monitoring, resource reviews, and any system updates.
READCamp: The Free Virtual Training Camp
Summer Opportunity
Team up with Head Coach and Super Bowl Champion, and Children’s Book Author Malcolm Mitchell for READCamp: The Free Virtual Training Camp for Summer Reading,
New For 2024: Summer Olympics activities will be part of READCamp ----- and our guest coach for younger readers is Olympic Gold Medalist (and now with her own Barbie Doll), Kristi Yamaguchi.
Follow on social media at @readwithmalcolm for special READCamp bonus activities and live events with Malcolm. Follow the steps below to register.
Step 1: Visit the Official READCamp Website. |
Step 2: Choose “SIGN UP”. |
Step 3: Complete your Registration. Select “Educator,” “Parent/Guardian” or “Other.” |
Step 4: Arrive at your READCamp Account Page. Review your Welcome Email. |
Step 5: Select “Add a Student” from the Top Right Menu Grid. |
Step 6: Assign your child their username and password. |
Step 7: Review the READCamp Resources Section for additional tools and activities. |
Step 8: Your kids log their books in the online Playbook or on the printed book logs provided. |
Step 9: When your kids log 8 books, they automatically receive a personalized. certificate as a READCamp Champion. If they complete 12 books, they get an MVP Certificate. |
Final Step: Have a SUPER SUMMER with READCamp. |
Remember! Teachers can have as much or as little involvement over the summer as they choose. READCamp is NOT teacher-driven especially over their summer break. The Goal is to keep our students READING over the Summer!
You can sign students up individually, in groups, and even by whole schools. Email to get more information on signing up your whole school!
2024-2025 Regional OEL Meeting Dates and Locations
June 11 & 12, 2024 Next Meeting
Save the Dates! The dates for the 2024-2025 Regional OEL Meetings have been finalized and added as a second page of the current Regional OEL Meeting Schedule. This document will be updated to reflect the most recent locations as we move forward and, as always, it can be found at the bottom of each memo in the Links to Resources section. We look forward to the work ahead in our coming meetings!
*Please note, there is a change from the originally scheduled August 12th/13th OEL Regional Meeting. ELS and ELS PoC (or designee) are now invited to attend the August 6-8 face-to-face session. A survey has been shared with all ELS PoC.
OEL Kindergarten Newsletter
May Issue
This newsletter has been created to support kindergarten teachers as they make data-driven decisions in the classroom to support continued development and learning for each child.
The Information Below Pertains to Pre-K Only
OEL Pre-K Newsletter
May Issue
The May issue of the OEL Pre-K Newsletter is here! This newsletter is not delivered directly to teachers, so please be sure to share the newsletter with all pre-k classroom teachers.
This newsletter has been created to support pre-k teachers as they make data-driven, age-appropriate decisions in the classroom to support continued development and learning for each child.
Transition Reports Requirement
DUE May 31, 2024! ALL PRE-K Teachers are required to complete and submit transition reports for each student!
In order to support smooth transitions into kindergarten, prekindergarten teachers generate a Transition Report within the Teaching Strategies platform. These reports include individual information about a child’s abilities in all developmental domains. Transition reports will be accessible to each child’s receiving kindergarten teacher as they enter school in the fall.
Learn more about how to complete the transition report by watching the video linked below. Please share this information and resource to all prekindergarten teachers.
Poetry Slam at Thomasville Primary
Second grade students at Thomasville Primary School in Thomasville City Schools learned about poetry, then wrote poems, and presented them to parents at a Poetry Slam.