CSRB Basics
- CSRB meetings are streamed live every month on the DPI Youtube page.
- Meeting agendas are posted to Eboard approximately a week prior to each meeting.
- The next regularly scheduled CSRB meeting is June 11 and will be virtual.
- CSRB member lists, previous minutes, and other information is housed on the OCS web page.
May Charter School Renewal Votes
CSRB voted to non-renew Children's Village Academy's charter which expires on June 30, 2024.
Charter Amendments and Remote Charter Academy Applications:
Ms. Julie Whetzel, Consultant with the Office of Charter Schools, presented CSRB with charter amendments and the newly established Remote Charter Academy applications.
- The following charter application amendments were requested and approved: Millennium Charter Academy's Mission Statement; ALA Charlotte's Enrollment Expansion; Bonnie Cone Classical Academy's Enrollment Expansion.
- The following schools presented their Remote Charter Academy Applications which were approved by CSRB: Telra Institute, North East Carolina Preparatory School and Ascend Leadership Academy.
Other Business:
- Dr. Jeni Corn, Director of Research and Evaluation, presented the "Year over Year Recovery Analysis for Charters 2023".
- Dr. Natasha Norins, Consultant with the Office of Charter Schools, shared information regarding the SECU Scholarship and this year's recipients.
- Dr. Natasha Norins also updated CSRB on the 2024 RTO Cohort.
For questions regarding meeting logistics and agenda, please contact nicole.niewinski@dpi.nc.gov. If your board/school has an innovative or exciting program you'd like to showcase, let us know! We are always happy to have schools present to the board.