World Languages Newsletter for May 13, 2024

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May 13, 2024

World Languages





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In this Newsletter:

  • Professional Development for World Language Educators
    • NCVPS Digital Transition Series - World Languages: Digital Tools for World Language Learners at 6:30 - 7:30 pm on May 15
    • OELA Webinars:
      • National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards - Part 2 at 2:00 - 3:00 pm on May 16
      • How Community-Based Schools Can Contribute to the Multilingual Landscape at 2:00 - 3:00 pm on May 30
    • CERCLL Webinar: Infographics - An Emerging DMC Genre in Language Classrooms at 1:00 - 2:30 pm on May 31
    • PEARLL Online Summer Institutes at 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
      • Engaging Learners with the Target Language on June 11 - 13
      • Creating Purpose for Learning & Lesson Planning on June 25 - 27
    • CARLA Online Institutes (Asynchronous & Synchronous) starting in late June
  • Professional Development for World Language Educators
    • CULTR Summer Workshop: Empowering Language Learning through Projects at 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in Atlanta on June 20
    • NCDPI Growing Success for MLs Summer Conference registration, including sessions on DL/I and Heritage Programs, plus the GLE, NC's Seal of Biliteracy
      • West - Buncombe County on June 25 - 27
      • East - Pender County on July 23 - 25
  • Resources, Grants, and Opportunities
    • FLANC Nominations for Higher Ed Teacher of the Year due May 15
    • ACTFL Nominations for the following:
      • ACTFL Board Positions due June 7
      • ACTFL & Language Connects Foundation Awards due June 14
    • Call for Proposals for 2025 SCOLT Conference due October 14

Professional Development for World Language Educators

Please see the list of upcoming conferences and professional development (PD) below from various organizations that serve multiple World Languages and/or types of programs. Details about registration, discounts, content, etc. are available using the links provided.


Additional PD is listed in chronological order through March 2025 on the K-20 Professional Development page on FLANC's website under the Resources tab.


NCVPS Digital Transition Series

NCVPS Digital Transition Webinar Series

The North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) 2023-2024 Digital Transition Webinar Series for Educators offers new webinar topics throughout the school year based on participant requests, including a monthly World Language focused broadcast. In May, the sessions below will be presented by Daniel Roseman, NCVPS Social Studies Instructional Leader, and Lisa Worthington-Groce, NCVPS German and French Course Lead.

Please use the links above to learn more and register for the upcoming broadcasts, which typically earn participants Content Area, Digital Learning, and/or General CEU credit.

OELA Dual Language Teacher Prep Webinar - Part 2

The US Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) provides participants from around the country an opportunity to hear expert speakers present research on all aspects of language learner education through its various webinars. Click on the information above and/or below to register for the May broadcasts, or go to the OELA Webinars page for information about upcoming and past webinars.

OELA Community-Based Schools webinar on May 30

CERCLL webinar on May 31

PEARLL at University of Maryland logo

Online Summer Institutes

Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning (PEARLL) is part of the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland and offers an annual series of 3-day summer institutes. Each institute provides 15 hours of online professional learning by combining synchronous presentations, time for small group processing, as well as independent, asynchronous activities, using PEARLL’s Learning Management Platform and Zoom. All institutes are scheduled for 11:00 am - 4:00 pm (Eastern Time), and here are the June 2024 institutes:

  • Engaging Learners with the Target Language on June 11 - 13
  • Creating Purpose for Learning & Lesson Planning on June 25 - 27

Please see the 2024 PEARLL Summer Institute Series page for additional details.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) logo

CARLA Online Institutes

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
(CARLA) at the University of Minnesota offers a variety of online summer institutes, both asynchronous and synchronous, for various target audiences of language teachers, including:

Synchronous on June 24 - 28 or June 25 - 27

  • Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development
  • Introduction to Dual Language Immersion
  • Integrating Career Readiness into Language Programs

Asynchronous on June 24 - July 12

  • Language & Culture in Sync: Teaching Linguistic Politeness and Intercultural Awareness
  • Practical Program Evaluation for Heritage Language Programs

Please see the 2024 CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers page for more information.


CULTR Teacher Workshop on June 20

Growing Success for MLs Summer Conference

Make plans now to join experts from across the state and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for the ML/Title III Growing Success for Multilingual Learners (MLs) Summer Conference. This year's conference theme, "Unlocking the Power of Multilingual Learners for Academic Success," promises to be an inspiring and transformative experience.


Multiple Formats: There are two face-to-face locations and a virtual option. Whether you prefer the collaborative energy of in-person events or the flexibility of virtual participation, you're covered!


Dynamic Sessions: Engage in thought-provoking discussions led by experts in the field and DPI. The carefully curated sessions cover a range of topics, from best practices and collaboration techniques to effective engagement with schools, families, and communities. This includes sessions on dual language/immersion (DL/I) and heritage programs, as well as the Global Languages Endorsement (GLE), NC's Seal of Biliteracy, such as:

  • DL/I + LIS = K-5 Language Acquisition
  • Elevating & Celebrating Bilingualism - Strike a Chord with CDM, AIG, and GLE
  • Heritage Language Courses + LIS = Essential Literacy for Graduation
  • Responding to GLE Data through an Equity Lens


Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow educators, exchange ideas, and build a supportive professional network!


  • West - Buncombe County in Asheville on June 25 - 27
  • East - Pender County near Topsail Beach on July 23 - 25

View the 2024 Growing Success for MLs Summer Conference brochure for additional details, including free registration.

2024 ML Summer Conference Brochure

Resources, Grants, and Opportunities

Please see the list of awards, calls, grants, etc. below from various groups that are available to World Language educators, students, programs, and organizations. Details about applications, eligibility, timelines, etc. are available using the links provided.


Additional opportunities are listed in order by deadline through October 2024 on the K-20 Opportunities for Students and Educators page on FLANC's website under the Resources tab.

Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) logo

Higher Ed Teacher of the Year Nominations

Now due May 15

The Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) is still accepting nominations for the 2024 Higher Education Teacher of the Year award. Nominees should be a teacher who:

  • goes above and beyond their normal duties for their students;
  • stands out as a leader among their peers; and
  • dedicates themselves to their students and to the profession on a daily basis. 

There are many World Language teachers on North Carolina's community college and university campuses who fit this description, so go to the 2024 Teacher of the Year (TOY) nomination form to submit their information by Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Questions can be directed to Melissa Pérez, FLANC Awards Chair, at

ACTFL Connects logo

ACTFL is the national professional organization for K-20 World Language educators, and, much like our regional and state groups, offer leadership opportunities and awards. Please read the information below to learn more about how to submit nominations.

ACTFL Board of Directors Nominations

Due by Friday, June 7

ACTFL is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of leaders in language education from both K-12 and Higher Education. Each year, ACTFL elects at-large members and the President-Elect, to the ACTFL Board. The President-Elect position varies each year, between a K-12 representative and a higher education representative. ACTFL members in good standing for at least three years are encouraged to apply (five years with a proven record of service and leadership within ACTFL for President-Elect). The Nominating Committee reviews all applications and works to ensure that the ACTFL Board is representative of the membership in languages, levels, regions, and other factors, as outlined by ACTFL’s Strategic Plan.


Please see the details and the online nomination form posted on the ACTFL Board Nominations webpage if interested. Questions can be directed to Kristina Jackson at


ACTFL & Language Connects Foundation Professional Awards Nominations

Due by Friday, June 14

The ACTFL & Language Connects Foundation Awards Program recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of language education. Awards and nomination procedures are announced and candidates' names are solicited annually. The results of the selections are announced at the ACTFL Annual Meeting, which will be in Philadelphia on November 22 - 24, 2024, and in the Winter issue of The Language Educator.


Please see the 12 awards categories, which include opportunities for individuals and groups across the K-20 spectrum to be recognized. Nomination procedures for each category are available on the ACTFL & Language Connects Foundation Awards Program webpage, and questions can be addressed by contacting ACTFL at 703-894-2900 or

SCOLT Call for Proposals

Due by Monday, October 14

The Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT) has issued its call for proposals for the 2025 SCOLT Conference, which will be held in Nashville, Tennessee on March 20 - 22, 2025.


The theme is "SCOLT @ 60: A World Language Jam Session" and current and retired teachers, instructors, and administrators from the field of World Language education are invited to submit proposals for a 60-minute session or a 30-minute slot in a "Research to Practice" session by Monday, October 14, 2024.


Please see the 2025 SCOLT Conference page or go to the proposal submission form for details.

SCOLT Conference 2025