What's New!
- Important information!
- Upcoming Training Information
- Conversion Tips & Data Clean-Up
- SIS Speak
- SIS Snippets
- NCSIS Resources
- June (EOY) Steps Phase
- EOY Updates
- SIS Scoop
- Clarifying Points
- Partnering Progress
- Empower with PowerSchool
- NCSiS Resources
- Want to Stay in the Loop?
- NCSIS Phase I Implementation Team Information
- Questions
Important Information!
Transportation Statement for Data Conversion
Address verification and validation are critical for the data conversion in Infinite Campus. As PSUs work to clean up addresses, make sure to collaborate with the transportation department to ensure the changes in the addresses won’t disrupt the current bus route information.
When updated student information is loaded into the school bus routing system, any change in street address will remove a student from their bus route pending reassignment. To minimize disruption please coordinate closely with the transportation department and use valid County GIS map addresses. Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, and other consumer mapping applications are more likely to provide invalid addresses in most PSUs.
Upcoming Training Information
NCBOLD 2024 NCSIS Training for New Data Managers, Administrators, & Directors
We will offer “New Data Manager Training” for Infinite Campus and PowerSchool users as well as sessions for Administrators and Directors. The sessions will cover General Navigation, Admission/Withdrawal, Attendance, Grading, Crosswalk with new SIS and State Reporting processes. We will have recommended tracks for participants to follow.
Week 1: July 15th- 18th (West)
Week 2: July 22nd-25th (East)
Registration is coming soon.
NCBOLD Infinite Campus Gradebook Training for Teachers by Teachers- We will offer “Infinite Campus Gradebook Training” for teachers. These sessions will be led by teachers and will cover gradebook setup, assignments and scoring, quizzes, progress monitoring, engagement check-ins, as well as the Learning Management System.
Week 1: July 15th - 18th (West)
Week 2: July 22nd - 25th (East)
Registration is coming soon.
Conversion Tips & Data Clean-up
SIS Phase I - Data Extracts Process
Data files on the eMFTS system that were too large to view in Excel have now been split into several different files of 700,000 rows or less. If you have a file that has been split into more than one file, you will see the name of the file followed by a number greater than 1. For example, a large transcript file will show as Transcript_1, Transcript_2, Transcript_3, etc. You will upload multiple files to the conversion dashboard by uploading the first one, and then using the append option to upload the rest of them. Please talk to your implementation team if you are unsure of the process.
Several files have been updated to make them more useful, based on feedback from you! The contact.csv file now has a column that shows the enroll_status for a student, to help you determine whether or not you would like to keep contact records. The contact and student files have been adjusted to help households be created more accurately upon conversion.
All health files are now production ready.
Continue to email questions and concerns to ncsis@dpi.nc.gov. Your feedback has helped make this process better for everyone!
**Please continue to monitor the Additions/Corrections page in the Data Conversion Guide. All updates will be posted there!
SIS Speak
Explore Infinite Campus Terminology: This week focuses on Enrollment
Enrollments: The Enrollments tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Enrollments are listed by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue hyper-linked headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
Add Address: The Add Address tool allows users to add addresses to Infinite Campus with the intent of attaching those addresses to households.
Enrollment Status Report: The Enrollment Status Report displays all enrollment information for a certain student within a certain calendar. If a student is enrolled, and then leaves the district but moves back, both enrollments are included on the report.
New Grade Level Naming in Infinite Campus:
SIS Snippets
Quick Tips for Time-Savvy Users:
Coming soon - Data Manager recommended tool rights
NCSIS Resources
Phase I participants will gain access to the Campus Community, where they can acquire product knowledge, glean tips and tricks, and engage in networking opportunities with other districts. The Campus Community offers convenient single sign-on access from the Campus system to a wealth of resources including the knowledge base, forum discussions, learning tools, support site, upcoming events, and more.
Campus Community- contains the information you need to learn how to use Infinite Campus through product documentation, videos & simulations, study guides, forums, and much more. Whether you are a teacher, data manager, or Infinite Campus user, you will find the learning resources in a clearly defined pathway for a seamless transition from PowerSchool.
Campus Passport- is on-demand, self-paced courses that can be assigned to new and existing staff. Accessed through the Campus Community, you will find Instructor-Led Training, specific E-Learning courses, or select a learning plan based on your district role.
NCSIS Crosswalk Document- will contain Infinite Campus and PowerSchool terms with their meanings to assist users with learning the new NCSIS terminology. This is a working document and will be updated regularly. NCSIS Crosswalk Document
Infinite Campus Role-specific Staff Videos can be viewed by clicking on http://ncsis.gov and then click on Learn more about NCSIS (Technology Staff, Counselor, Front Office Staff, Teacher, etc).
IC Role Specific Resources- can be viewed by clicking on http://ncsis.gov, go to the Phase I PSU’s tab and scroll to the IC Role Specific Resources section. It Includes information for specific staff roles, as well as a guide for parents & students.
Webinar Recording Links and FAQs- can be found at http://ncsis.gov under the Professional Learning tab.
Data Manager Roadshow Presentation Link - HERE
June (EOY) Steps Phase I
As implementation continues, questions have been raised about the EOY processes and what ability will be available in each system in June once the production site has been provided in Infinite Campus. During the pre-EOY phase, while preparing for End-of-Year (EOY) procedures in PowerSchool, it's crucial to adhere to the established EOY guidance. This ensures that records are processed accurately and efficiently, setting the stage for a successful transition to the new academic year in Infinite Campus. Grades for graduates should not be updated in PowerSchool after they have been finalized. PSUs can update all other grades in PowerSchool until EOY. To capture those changes, you will provide a new transcript file to Infinite Campus after EOY. If you have schedule changes between the time the Infinite Campus production data is due and EOY, you can make roster changes in the 23-24 or 24-25 year in PowerSchool. You will provide a new roster file to Infinite Campus after EOY that will capture those changes. However, you cannot add, remove, or move sections in PowerSchool since the section data will not be updated in the Infinite Campus Production Site.
Activities in Infinite Campus before EOY will focus on validating data to confirm the accuracy of the trial site conversion. Once the Infinite Campus production site is available, PSUs can enroll new students from non-North Carolina Public School systems in Infinite Campus for 24-25. However, please note that students currently enrolled in North Carolina Public Schools cannot be pre-enrolled or pre-registered in either system for the upcoming school year until the EOY processes are completed. Please see the charts below for Pre and Post activities in each system.
 This transition period requires particular attention to detail and adherence to established protocols to guarantee a smooth and accurate implementation. We look forward to working collaboratively to achieve these goals and provide the best possible experience for all stakeholders.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to this process.
EOY Updates
- PSUs will plan when to commit their master schedules with their Infinite Campus implementation manager to be ready for their production site. The earlier you start, the earlier access to your production site.
- EOY will be June 28th for all Phase I and Phase II PSUs
- No early EOY, early commitment of master schedules only
- Post EOY- PSUs will have to reload Enrollments, Rosters, Transcripts
SIS Scoop
Get the Inside Track on Big News! We are excited to announce the “XX” Symposium coming January 2025. Join us for a focused training event designed to equip you with the skills needed to master our new Student Information System. Get ready for hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, and expert-led sessions. The conference will be held at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, NC. More information is coming soon!
Clarifying Points
- Emergency Contacts will convert to Infinite Campus
- ECATS data will be uploaded to Infinite Campus- there is no charge to PSUs
- PSUs can continue to use Canva
- Schoolnet & NCEES will continue to be used
- Please discuss 3rd Party applications with your Infinite Campus Implementation Team to verify integrations. *The sex offender registry is not included in Infinite Campus
- The enrollments and transcript data from 2013 to present will be converted
Partnering Progress
DPI’s Commitment to PSU Success with New SIS Implementation
NCSIS Professional Development Plan 2024

Empower with PowerSchool
Seeking Trainers for Data Manager Training!
We need you! Please consider being a presenter for PowerSchool Data Manager Training. If interested, please complete the application below.
Week 1 - July 15th - 19th Week 2 - July 22nd - 26th
NCBOLD PowerSchool Trainer Ambassador Application
Want to Stay in the Loop?
Click HERE to learn how to sign up to receive the weekly NCSIS Phase I bulletin.
Stay informed with the latest NCSIS news and information by visiting: http://ncsis.gov
NCSIS Phase I Implementation Team Information
If you need to change the PSU contact information, please submit changes in this FORM as soon as possible to ensure precise communication. Please also inform your Infinite Campus Project Manager of any changes or additional contacts.
Please feel free to reach out for questions or concerns by emailing ncsis@dpi.nc.gov