Other Business:
- Ms. Nicky Niewinski, OCS Consultant, introduced six (6) charter school application amendments as required by G.S. 115C-218.7. GO BIG and Nalanda Academy's second delay amendments were approved. They are now scheduled to open Fall 2025. Quality Education's mission statement was approved. Valor Prep's request to increase enrollment beyond the allowable 20% due to LP status was approved. Lakeside Charter Academy's request to increase enrollment beyond the allowable 20% due to LP status was denied. Millennium Charter Academy's mission statement request was postponed to the May 6th CSRB meeting.
- Dr. Natasha Norins provided an update on facilities and enrollment for schools currently in the Ready to Open process.
For questions regarding meeting logistics and agenda, please contact nicole.niewinski@dpi.nc.gov. If your board/school has an innovative or exciting program you'd like to showcase, let us know! We are always happy to have schools present to the board.