Monthly Standards Update
In April 2023, the NCDPI ELA Team began review of the current 2017 ELA Standard Course of Study (SCOS). In an effort to keep stakeholders informed during the Review Phase, the NCDPI ELA Team will provide monthly standards updates that contain the latest announcements and current news regarding the ELA SCOS.
*Please note: Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS) monthly updates have been merged with this standards update to consolidate and streamline communication.
These updates will be sent every first Friday of the month.
Current Phases for Standards:
ELA Standard Course of Study (SCOS) Updates
ELA Standards Review Phase Progress
The ELA Data Review Committee (DRC) has finalized their report organizing the collected data and recommendations for revision. The NCDPI ELA team will bring forward the DRC's data report to the State Board of Education (SBE) to seek permission to revise the current ELA standards. The ELA Standards will likely be on the agenda for the State Board of Education meeting(s) in late spring.
Please see pages 14 - 16 of the North Carolina SCOS Internal Procedures Manual for additional details about the DRC work during the review phase.
Coach's Corner
In lieu of the quarterly SCOOP for the 2023-2024 school year, the NCDPI ELA Team is excited to announce the Coach's Corner. The ELA Team partners with the ELA Consultative Committee (ELACC) to provide instructional leadership with this monthly newsletter to support implementation of the Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS). Each Coach's Corner will feature and highlight a component of the LIS. Issues could include applicable PLC activities to guide discussion and planning of the LIS, coaching frames to inspire teacher autonomy and ownership, and voices from the field that speak to the efficacy of the LIS in practice. View past issues of the Coach's Corner.
Issue 8: Knowledge Building
Background knowledge plays an important role in reading comprehension. Students build many different kinds of knowledge in their daily lives outside of school and can draw upon that knowledge to support their reading. Teachers can plan instructional opportunities for students to build and connect knowledge through first-hand experiences as well as through selecting conceptually-connected texts for interactive read alouds and independent reading.
Check out March's issue to learn how to support instruction that builds knowledge as an instructional leader in your school!
*Note: This resource features literacy work happening in Public School Units (PSU) across the state. The information included in this resource is self-reported by educators of NC PSUs and shared verbatim. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, NCDPI does not endorse and makes no warranties, representations, or undertakings relating to the links shared by PSUs in this resource.
New Resource: LIS and Content Area Practices
This document aims to provide teachers of all content areas with an understanding of how current domains of instructional practice found within the content areas align with the LIS. Since the alignment between the LIS and instructional practices in various content areas exists, all educators, regardless of their discipline, participate in literacy instruction.
Teachers should reference this document when planning content area and literacy instruction to ensure students are fully meeting the demands of the NCSCOS.
View this resource!
Have You Seen the Writing Guidebook? Check it out!
The purpose of this guidebook is to provide educators with specific recommendations for increasing the frequency and efficacy of student writing as well as supporting students with producing original, substantive, and comprehensive compositions rather than writing to learn. This guidebook highlights four recommendations, each supported by research-based strategies. The guidebook also anticipates roadblocks to each recommendation that teachers and students may experience and provides suggestions for navigating them.
While the recommendations and strategies found within this guidebook are not an exhaustive list, practices described represent research-based, high-leverage actions teachers can implement to align writing instruction with NCSCOS requirements and foster robust writing communities in their classrooms across all grade levels.
View the Writing Guidebook in the LIST under "LIS-Based Resources."
LIS Learning Series: Last Session for 23-24!
Our LIS Learning Series is back by popular demand! View this flyer for information about the topics, dates, and registration. Be sure to check out our previous sessions! Recordings and slides are available to support you on your LIS journey in the LIST.
Last Session
- April 25, 2024 | 3:45 - 5:00 PM | Literacy in Healthy Schools