Upcoming Training Information
NCTIES - Now that you have received your NCSIS Implementation Team and Implementation Plan information, please join the NCDPI team for a collaborative session where we will cover the hot topics you want addressed to include a crosswalk of the current SIS to Infinite Campus and recommended video training plans tailored for SIS users based on roles designed to facilitate a smooth transition to the new NCSIS system.
- Wednesday, March 6, 8:30 am - 11:30 am
- Targeted Audience: Directors, SIS Administrators, District Staff
- Registration is now open - Click Here
- Room 306A/B/C - Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC NCTIES Conference
SIS Admin Training “Mastering Campus” (choose one location per PSU)
Register for free 5 day SIS Admin Training. Choose your dates/locations.
Choose 1:
*Lunch will be provided and hotel accommodations provided by NCDPI.
Please note: You will need to register by February 16th 5 pm in order for NCDPI to provide hotel accommodations. You are limited to one SIS admin per PSU at this time. Please note we will provide additional opportunities throughout the coming months. This training will be for your main point of contact for the SIS who works in the SIS daily. If you need to make changes to your registration, please use the forms above to make those changes as well. You will automatically receive a confirmation email once you have completed the form.
NCSIS Data Manager Regional Roadshow
We are excited to announce locations for one day NCSIS Data Manager Regional Roadshow training sessions. These sessions will be offered across our state to train our SIS powered by Infinite Campus with a crosswalk experience for PSUs. Please see the session information and link to register below.
- April 15th | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm | Martin County Schools
- April 19th | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm | Harnett County Schools
- April 22nd | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm | Burke County Schools
- April 26th | 9:30 am - 3:30 pm | Rowan County Schools
Registration is now open. Please Click HERE
NCBOLD 2024 NCSIS Training for New Data Managers, Administrators, & Directors
We will offer “New Data Manager Training” for Infinite Campus and PowerSchool users as well as sessions for Administrators and Directors. The sessions will cover General Navigation, Admission/Withdrawal, Attendance, Grading, Crosswalk with new SIS and State Reporting processes. We will have recommended tracks for participants to follow. We are solidifying locations for the summer now.
Week 1: July 15th- 18th (West)
Week 2: July 22nd-25th (East)
Registration is coming in late April/early May.
We need you! Please consider being a presenter for PowerSchool Data Manager Training. If interested, please reach out to Rory Spicer via email at rory.spicer@dpi.nc.gov.
NCBOLD Infinite Campus Gradebook Training for Teachers by Teachers
We will offer “Infinite Campus Gradebook Training” for teachers. These sessions will be led by teachers and will cover gradebook setup, assignments and scoring, quizzes, progress monitoring, engagement check-ins, as well as the Learning Management System.
Week 1: July 15th - 18th (West)
Week 2: July 22nd - 25th (East)
Registration is coming in late April/early May.
LIVE Infinite Campus Webinars
Several of you have asked for more information about Infinite Campus LMS, Learning Management System Webinar. We heard from over 50 PSUs with a list of what you wanted to see in this option. Infinite Campus has personalized this webinar to meet your needs. The LMS webinar will offered at three different times/dates:
Infinite Campus LMS Webinar - February 22nd @ 10 am - 12 pm (EST) - Register Now
Infinite Campus LMS Webinar - February 29th @ 10 am - 12 pm (EST) - Register Now
Infinite Campus LMS Webinar - February 29th @ 3 pm - 5 pm (EST) - Register Now
Overview of Infinite Campus - March 19th @ 11 am (EST) - Register Now
Overview of Infinite Campus - April 17th @ 11 am (EST) - Register Now