Monthly Standards Update
In April 2023, the NCDPI ELA Team began review of the current 2017 ELA Standard Course of Study (SCOS). In an effort to keep stakeholders informed during the Review Phase, the NCDPI ELA Team will provide monthly standards updates that contain the latest announcements and current news regarding the ELA SCOS.
*Please note: Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS) monthly updates have been merged with this standards update to consolidate and streamline communication.
These updates will be sent every first Friday of the month.
Current Phases for Standards:
ELA Standard Course of Study (SCOS) Update
PSU Contacts for ELA Standards Review
To ensure public school units (PSUs) receive communication regarding ELA Standards Review, PSU ELA leaders are asked to collect contact information on individuals who will serve as PSU ELA Standards contacts.
If you would like to serve as an ELA Standards Contact for your PSU, please contact your PSU's ELA leader(s).
Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS) Update
Coach's Corner
In lieu of the quarterly SCOOP, the NCDPI ELA Team is excited to announce the inaugural issue of the Coach's Corner. The ELA Team will be partnering with the ELA Consultative Committee (ELACC) to provide instructional leadership with this monthly newsletter to support implementation of the Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS). Each Coach's Corner will feature and highlight a component of the LIS. Issues could include applicable PLC activities to guide discussion and planning of the LIS, coaching frames to inspire teacher autonomy and ownership, and voices from the field that speak to the efficacy of the LIS in practice.
Issue 2: Phonological Awareness
Phonological awareness is found within the foundational skills in the ELA SCOS. It is important to note that although the phonological awareness standards’ expectation is mastery at the end of grade 1, many students begin to work on these skills in Kindergarten. Additionally, some students may need additional instruction/support in later grades.
Check out September's issue to learn how to support phonological awareness as an instructional leader in your school!
LIS Learning Series
Upcoming Professional Development
Our LIS Learning Series is back by popular demand! View this flyer for information about the topics, dates, and registration. Be sure to check out our previous sessions! Recordings and slides are available to support you on your LIS journey in the LIST.