Ready to Open Updates (RTO)
Dr. Natasha Norins, OCS Consultant, provided facility updates for eight schools slated for open for the upcoming 2023-24 academic year.There are currently six delay schools.
The CSAB will make preliminary RTO recommendations at the May monthly meeting in preparation for June SBE.
Dr. Carol Ann Hudgens, NCDPI Exceptional Children's Division, and Ms. Jenna Cook, OCS Consultant, reviewed three schools of concern under the Charter Schools USA management umbrella. The three schools:Langtree Charter Academy, Westlake Preparatory and Cabarrus Charter are all up for charter renewal. After listening to the compliance concerns raised by the EC Division, the CSAB voted to uphold the renewal term recommendations of 10, 7 and 3 years respectively.
Ms. Nicky Niewinski, OCS Consultant, presented three amendment requests. The CSAB unanimously approved a relocation request for Clover Garden (01C). The CSAB unanimously approved the enrollment decrease request for Movement School Northwest (62R). The CSAB unanimously approved the enrollment increase request for Aspire Trade High School (62N). The three amendments will move forward to SBE in May.
myFutureNC Updates
Ms. Cecilia Holden, President/CEO and Ms. Gina Zhang, Research and Data Analysis Manager of myFutureNC provided the 2 Million by 2030 presentation which outlined attainment initiatives for two million North Carolinians aged 25-44 to hold an industry valued credential or post-secondary degree by 2030. The presentation outlined opportunities for growth, data and performance monitoring efforts. Additional discussion and feedback is encouraged for the charter school profiles that are currently in progress.