February 2023 CSAB Highlights

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Charter Schools Board

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Charter Schools Advisory Board Highlights


February 6, 2023

CSAB Basics

  • CSAB meetings are streamed live every month on the DPI Youtube page
  • Meeting agendas are posted to Eboard approximately a week prior to each meeting. 
  • The next regularly-scheduled CSAB meeting is March 6 at the DPI Building in Raleigh. 
  • CSAB member lists, previous minutes, and other information is housed on the OCS web page
  • CSAB action items are heard the following month at State Board of Education meetings. Those meeting agendas are also found on Eboard. 

2022 Application Updates

Standard Applicants

 On February 2, 2023, the State Board of Education approved  Ready to Open recommendations for six standard applicants. Agape Achievement Academy, Flat Rock Classical Academy, Riverside Leadership Academy, Movement School Raleigh, Movement School West Charlotte, and Movement School NE Charlotte.


At its most recent monthly meeting, the SBE returned the charter application for Heritage Collegiate Leadership Academy Wake back to the CSAB. On February 6th, the CSAB, in its reconsideration, voted (6-1)  to recommend Ready to Open for HCLA Wake a second time. The HCLA Wake application will go back to SBE for final decision at the upcoming March meeting. 


All submitted 2022 charter applications are available here.


2023 Charter Applications

The 2023 charter application is open now through April 28, 2023. You can apply here.



Renewals Update

A total of 36 charter renewal recommendations have been made by the CSAB. These renewal school recommendations will appear for discussion at the upcoming March SBE meeting. Ms. Shirley McFadden, NCDPI Monitoring and Compliance Manager, provided financial updates for the current renewal school cohort. The CSAB tabled charter renewal discussions for Next Generation Academy and Invest Collegiate Transform until its March 6th CSAB meeting.



Mr. Curtis Sonneman provided amendment updates for the Every Student Succeeds Act pursuant to EOC participation for both the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years.



Ms. Ashley Baquero presented six amendment requests. The CSAB approved Unity Classical's grade expansion and enrollment increase request. Clover Garden's request for an enrollment increase was approved. Asheville PEAK's grade level increase was approved. Raleigh Oak's permanent relocation request was approved.  Monroe Charter's request for an enrollment increase was denied. Invest Collegiate Transform's relocation request was tabled until March. CSAB-approved amendments will move forward to SBE in March.

Light Bulb

Charter School Spotlight

Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies provided an innovative presentation to the CSAB at the February 6, 2023 meeting. Learn more about the school here.


For questions regarding meeting logistics and agenda, please contact Ashley.Baquero@dpi.nc.gov.


If your board or school has an innovative or exciting program you'd like to showcase, let us know! We are always happy to have schools present to the CSAB.