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 State Board of Education Vision: Every public school student in North Carolina will be empowered to accept academic challenges, prepared to pursue their chosen path after graduating high school, and encouraged to become lifelong learners with the capacity to engage in a globally-collaborative society. State Board of Education Mission: The mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is to use its constitutional authority to guard and maintain the right of a sound, basic education for every child in North Carolina Public Schools.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Public Agenda - Teachers in the News - Education journalism shapes public perception of teachers and helps shape policy priorities – intertwining the media, K-12 education, and the contours of teaching in many significant ways. To foster more insightful journalism, Public Agenda’s Teachers in the News project provides an unprecedented analysis of education media coverage, alongside findings from a survey of teachers and parents, and interviews with teachers and journalists.
WRAL•NEWS Emily Walkenhorst | Jan. 4, 2023: NC education and health officials propose teletherapy program in schools - The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services are requesting $4.2 million to provide remote mental health services for about 10,000 students.
WRAL•NEWS Travis Fain | Dec. 28, 2022: NC lawmakers call for TikTok ban on state devices - As GOP lawmakers push for TikTok ban on state devices, Gov. Roy Cooper's office says he's "considering potential additional safety measures." State reps. Jason Saine and Jon Hardister, both part of the Republican leadership in the North Carolina House, called the issue a "matter of national security" in a letter to the governor.
Public School Forum of North Carolina - Impact Report 2022
State Board of Education January Meeting
Wednesday, January 4th | Agenda - Audio 1 | Audio 2 | Audio 3 | Audio 4
Thursday, January 5th | Agenda - Audio | Photos
National Student Clearinghouse Update
- Dr. Michael Maher, Deputy Superintendent, Standards, Accountability, and Research
- Dr. Jeni Corn, Director of Research and Evaluation, Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration**
- Diane Dulaney Director, Office of Data, Reporting and Privacy, Division of Digital Learning and Technology Services**
K-12 Science and Healthful Living Standards Revision Updates
- Dr. Michael Maher, Deputy Superintendent of Standards, Accountability, and Research
- Dr. Kristi Day, Director of Academic Standards**
- Dr. Charles Aiken, Section Chief for Science, Mathematics, and STEM
- Dr. Ellen Essick, Section Chief for Healthy Schools
Healthy Active Children Policy Report 2022 - Summary Data from LEA School Health Advisory Councils
- Dr. Michael Maher, Deputy Superintendent of Standards, Accountability, and Research
- Dr. Kristi Day, Director, Academic of Standards
- Dr. Ellen Essick, Section Chief, NC Healthy Schools/Specialized Instructional Support**
- Susanne Schmal, School Health Policy & Partnerships Consultant**
Unified School Behavioral Health Action Plan
- Dr. Michael Maher, Deputy Superintendent of Standards, Accountability, and Research
- Dr. Kristi Day, Director of Academic Standards
Dr. Charlene Wong, Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Department of Human and Health Services (DHHS)**
- Dr. Ellen Essick, Section Chief, NC Healthy Schools/Specialized Instructional Support**
Special Committee on North Carolina Pathways to Excellence for Teaching Professionals
" ** " Next to a speaker’s name indicates that they were the primary presenter.
Link to SBE meetings HERE | YouTube recordings of SBE meetings HERE.
NC Association of School Administrators - SBE Summaries
DPI Press Release | January 4, 2023
Funding will increase school-based mental health service providers, like counselors and social workers, to address staffing challenges in 15 districts with demonstrated need
The applications cited data from the newly released 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), presented today to the State Board of Education (SBE), as a primary need for the funding. Data included in the application underscore how mental health challenges hinder achievement for North Carolina students.
Read the entire Press Release HERE.
DPI Press Release | January 5, 2023
Students in early elementary grades in North Carolina public schools continue to show gains in literacy skills, according to results of a key assessment administered at the beginning of the current school year.
The percentage of students on track in each grade, kindergarten through third, who were performing at or above the benchmark score at the beginning of the year was higher this school year than in 2021-22, reflecting gains students achieved during the previous grade level and year. Of the 454,000 North Carolina students who were assessed at the start of this school year, nearly 28,000 more were performing at or above benchmark this year compared to 2021-22.
Read the entire Press Release HERE.
Highly recommend subscribing to meeting notices by email to the Education Committees below.
Useful Information
This section includes details pertaining to acronyms referenced throughout the K-12 Education Legislative Update newsletters.
For the glossary of legislative terms click here.
DPI= Department of Public Instruction
LEA = Local Education Agency
NCGA = North Carolina General Assembly
LB/LOB = Legislative Building/Legislative Office Building
SBE = North Carolina State Board of Education
HB/SB = House Bill/Senate Bill
JR = Joint Resolution
SL = Session Law
GS = General Statute
PCS = Proposed Committee Substitute
The Hunt Institute to host the 2023 Holshouser Legislators Retreat
January 22-23, 2023 | Cary, NC
The Holshouser Legislators Retreat convenes North Carolina policymakers, state, and national resource experts, and education practitioners to have a candid dialogue about critical issues in public education, named after former Republican and Democratic governors of North Carolina Jim Holshouser and Jim Hunt.
K-12 Arts, K-12 Guidance, and K-12 World Language Standards
In August, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Office of Academic Standards’ team kicked off the review phase for K-12 Arts, K-12 Guidance, and K-12 World Language Standards. This cohort of standards will follow the NC Standard Course of Study Manual in terms of process and timeline.
Any individual who wishes to provide input on the Standard Course of Study may complete this survey. This survey is estimated to take about 10 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on how many grades or courses you choose to review.
We thank you for your time and input. Your feedback is extremely valuable to the standards review and revision process.
Due date for all the surveys is Friday, January 20, 2023 at 5 PM
Education Week Sarah D. Sparks | Dec. 21, 2022
While COVID-19 variants continued to spread in 2022, the pandemic-related school shutdowns have all but disappeared and most districts have rolled back mitigation rules like social distancing. But as external disruptions to schooling eased, educators face a new epidemic of mental health problems for children and adolescents. Researchers are just starting to understand the longer-term impacts of the pandemic on students’ minds and brains.
Among the findings this year:
- We’re back to school, but not back to normal.
- The coronavirus itself puts children at more risk.
- Educators see screen time worsening behavior and learning problems.
- Easing students’ mental health problems can cut absenteeism.
- Schools need to prevent and respond to student suicide—even in elementary grades.
Good things came to the education space in 2022!
There was such incredible momentum and action in the education advocacy space this year, we wanted to take a moment to highlight a few of our favorite things (in addition to bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens) from our peers in 2022:
North Carolina’s Portrait of a Graduate: as part of State Superintendent Truitt’s “Year of the Workforce”, the new portrait aims to ensure that North Carolina students are well equipped for the broadest range of postsecondary opportunities by focusing on Durable Skills such as adaptability, communication, critical thinking, and empathy.
America Succeeds
Helpful Resources
NC Social and Emotional Learning | NC DPI
Center for Safer Schools | NC DPI - Say Something Anonymous Reporting System | NC DPI
DPI Financial Business Services (FBS) - Check FBS homepage regularly for updates.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Press Releases
Public School Forum of North Carolina: 2022 Education Policy Primer
EdNC - Leandro articles | School District Profiles
BEST NC - Facts and Figures – BEST NC
Public Agenda - Teachers in the News
The Hunt Institute - Programs focus on informing and inspiring elected officials and key policymakers to make informed decisions that result in improving the lives of all children through equitable, quality education.
NC Association of School Administrators - Podcasts
The Story of North Carolina - Resources that reach across time periods, making connections throughout North Carolina history.
North Carolina Parent Teacher Association (NCPTA) - everychild.onevoice
To view previous Weekly Legislative Updates click here.
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- NC State Board of Education Twitter
Julie Paige Pittman, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Teacher Engagement Twitter
Tabari Wallace, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Principal Engagement Twitter
Kristie VanAuken, Special Advisor to the Superintendent: Workforce Engagement Twitter
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