Number 8
Back-To-School Supply Drive Point of Contact Form
The Governor's Office, in partnership with the North Carolina State Employees Credit Union (SECU), Communities In Schools, VolunteerNC, and TeachNC, are working together to host a Back-To-School Supply Drive. All supplies will be collected throughout the state in each branch of the North Carolina State Employees Credit Union (SECU) and donated to each school district across the state.
In an effort to help with making sure each district/LEA receives the donations collected, we would like to make sure that we have a point of contact that we can share with Community In Schools and VolunteerNC. Community In Schools and VolunteerNC will reach out to your designated point of contact to schedule drop off and pick-up times for the supplies connected at the end of August.
Public Information Officers, if you have not already done so, please fill out the point of contact form for the best staff member to assist with getting supplies from the supply drive to your district.