Number 5
Charlotte-Mecklenburg High School Wins Lenovo Scholar Network National Mobile App Development Competition
"A Mallard Creek High team has earned its second consecutive win in the Lenovo Scholar Network National Mobile App Development Competition. The team's app, WobbleByte, was selected as one of the five best apps in the country from among 84 entries.
WobbleByte was created by Aryan Chakalakal, Aron Gebreegziabher, Avi Patel and Siddarth Pennetsa, members of the Mallard Creek High Cybersecurity Club. The after-school club, which includes Girls Who Code, provides students with an opportunity to showcase their computer science and engineering knowledge beyond the classroom, said Marques Hazell, a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher, who advises the group with fellow CTE teacher Lew Davidson."
Congratulations to the creators of WobbleByte! Read more here.