Topics in this issue:
1. 2021-2022 End of Year Message from Home Base 2. EPV/Validations 3. EDDIE Update for 2022-23 School Year 4. ECATS EOY, BOY, and Calendar Setup 5. Special Year End Processing for PMR Month 9 6. RTA Announcements 7. NCEdCloud Summer Access
8. Schoolnet EOY
9. Before School Ends
10. NCEES End of Year Guidance
11. Graduation Date Reminder
12. Alternative Learning Programs and Schools (ALPS)
13. Discipline Data
14. Final Transcript Procedures
15. Course Codes/Changes for 2022-2023
16. Special Instructions for Charter Schools
17. State Compliance Reports Due June 29, 2022
18. PSU Home Base Contact Updates for 2022-2023 SY
19. Subscribe to Major Events Status Alerts
20. NCDPI Technology Support Center
21. Follow Us on Social Media
Dear Home Base User,
The DTL Home Base Team would like to thank you for your dedication and support throughout the 2021-22 school year! The success of Home Base depends heavily on the work you all do and the feedback you provide through various networks and partnerships, and for that we say, “Thank you!” As always, the Division of Digital Teaching and Learning and the Home Base team will continue to explore more tools and opportunities to serve you.
The 2021-22 End of Year Processing (EOY) is scheduled to begin Wednesday, June 29, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The PowerSchool SIS maintenance page will go up at that time for all users. PowerSchool will begin the Pre-EOY tasks and backups at that time. EOY Contacts will regain access on the morning of July 1, 2022. The exact time has yet to be determined, but EOY Contacts will be notified once a time has been set. It is our hope that all Home Base applications will be back online no later than Wednesday, July 6, 2022.
While preparing for the 2021-22 End of Year Processing (EOY), remember to validate your data. Validation of data facilitates smooth transitioning of data, reduces processing time, and precludes future errors requiring support assistance. EOY will involve the processing and archiving of approximately 1.5 million student records. All PSUs are responsible for running their own EOY process. All processing must be done within the state’s EOY processing window, regardless of school end dates. Primary and/or secondary contacts will need to be available and ready to begin their processing when NCDPI says, “GO!” All EOY contact information must be submitted by June 1, 2022.
Please refer to the EOY Processing Guide as well as the resources listed in this newsletter for support. If you have questions or need assistance prior to EOY, please contact the PowerSchool Support team or email the Home Base Team.
Home Base Team Contributors
- Dr. Rob Dietrich, Director of Digital Teaching and Learning
- Matthew Mayo, Home Base Manager, DTL
- Justin Conner, PowerSchool Product Manager, DTL
- John Mairs, NCEdCloud IAM Service Manager — Enterprise Systems, Office of Digital Learning & Technology Services
- Tessa Hine, Home Base Professional Learning Specialist, DTL
- Russell Dixon, Home Base Professional Learning Specialist, DTL
- Cami Narron, Education Product Consultant, Home Base Systems, DTL
- Audrey Long, Learning.com Product Manager, DTL
- Corey McNeill, Education Program Consultant II, DTL
- Yolanda Wilson, Home Base Communication Specialist, DTL
Contributors: Justin Conner, PowerSchool Product Manager, DTL
Lori Ivey, Business Systems Analyst II Enterprise Student, Staff and Facility Data Supervisor
✓Validate! Validate! Validate!
Validating your data is critical for a successful EOY process, and the earlier you start, the better! How often should you validate your data? As often as time permits. The more you validate, the more accurate your data will be. So, where and how should you start? You can begin by running the EOY Pre-Validation Report from your State Reporting Dashboard.
In the 2020-2021 school year, NCDPI added two new state reports to assist PSUs with their EOY data validation. This report functions exactly like other state reports and will assist with data validation prior to EOY. This report is very similar to the Pre-EOY sqlReports that have been available in the past. School and PSU admins can run the EPV report at any time throughout the school year, but must submit by June 29, 2022.
Navigation: Start Page > State Reporting Dashboard > Preliminary EOY Pre-Validation (EPV)
NOTE: Production modifications will be made to the EPV report name and submission window prior to EOY. As of now, the submission window closes on 6/15/22, but this will be changed to 6/29/22.
EDDIE Updates for 2022-23 School Year
Contributor: Nicola Lefler, Systems Consultant, School Business Services
This year, the EDDIE process was modified to allow PSUs to begin adding new grade levels without the EDDIE feed being disabled. The new process temporarily pauses the feed to only the grade level fields located on the Schools/School Setup page.
PSUs who need to add new grade levels for the 2022-23 school year may now do so in PowerSchool. Prior to adding these grade levels to PowerSchool, your EDDIE administrator must first ensure that the EDDIE “Approved” grade levels include the grades being added to the SIS. It is important that you remember to add these new grade levels to EDDIE “Current” grade levels after EOY. EDDIE “Current” grade level changes should not take place until then. Also, new schools that are scheduled to open in the 2022-23 school year must be added to EDDIE no later than July 11, 2022.
For assistance, please visit the PowerSchool SIS Administrator - School Information.
ECATS End of Year (EOY)
Contributors: Tracy Tillis, SIS IT Manager and ECATS Program Manager
Ashley Herring, SIS Business Analyst
Sue Stalnaker, Technology Support Specialist
School year close out files for ECATS will be pulled at PowerSchool EOY shutdown on June 29. This allows the ECATS Special Education Module and the MTSS EWS to have final data for 2021-2022 school year including final grades, incidents, and course information, etc. ECATS will remain running and available to users through its EOY and BOY processes. No new 2022-2023 school year data will be consumed into ECATS until PowerSchool EOY is complete and EDDIE data has been imported into PowerSchool.
ECATS Beginning of Year (BOY)
Once EDDIE data has been consumed into PowerSchool, ECATS will pull files for an initial load of data for the 2022-2023 school year. Once this process is complete, ECATS will resume its regular data file import schedule.
ECATS pulls current-year information only on the schedule shown below.

Calendar Setup for 2022-23
ECATS will be extracting calendar information during the ECATS BOY process from all schools. All fields on the Calendar Setup page for all schools must be populated with accurate information from your locally-approved 2022-2023 school calendar.
IMPORTANT: It is necessary for all schools to complete their calendar setup prior to June 29, 2022. However, do NOT set up your school calendar until after you have committed or copied over your master schedule. When committing a schedule from PowerScheduler or copying a master schedule, the start and end dates on the Years and Terms screen are updated. When the start and end dates on the Years and Terms screen are updated, the school calendar is reinitialized. Therefore, do not complete the Calendar Setup screen before scheduling is complete because it may be reset during scheduling activities.
Special Year-End Processing for PMR Month 9
Contributor: Lashon Creech, Teacher Allotment Consultant, School Business Services
All PSUs are required to successfully submit the month 9 PMR report by COB on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. The final Principal Monthly Report for the school year 2021-22, month 9 PMR, executes a special processing routine that reevaluates all enrollment, membership, and attendance data posted to date. This increases the accuracy of the final PMR and has the potential to trigger PMR fatal error messages that were not previously triggered.
The month 9 PMR must be run several times to achieve a successful submission. PSUs are encouraged to provide adequate time to work with PowerSchool Support to correct any issues. The successful submission of the month 9 PMR report is only achieved when all fatal exceptions and student violations are resolved prior to the month end collection date. The timely submission of the month 9 PMR report will avoid delaying the state-wide EOY process.
9th Month PMR Actions
Now that the school year is coming to a close, it is imperative that all PSUs do the following:
Make sure to run and approve the PMR report during the 9th month collection. By not running and approving the month 9 PMR report prior to the collection month end date, no data will be collected for the school and in addition, delay the end of year closeout process.
Clear all fatal exceptions prior to the end date for 9th month collection. All fatal exceptions must be corrected prior to submitting the 9th month PMR report. Examples of the fatal exceptions that are repeated each collection month are:
- PMR 9 – Students missing admission status
- PMR 17 – Enrolled students with no schedule
- PMR 27 – Student with too few instructional minutes for PMR Reporting
PMR 32 – Membership Last Day (MLD) for Reporting Month equals Zero. If you see the exception reported on your PMR Exceptions list, you need to verify that your calendar setup is correct. If you need assistance with making corrections, contact PowerSchool Support immediately.
In addition to the calendar setup, invalid school enrollment dates on the student’s Transfer Info screen or invalid class enrollment dates on the All Enrollments screen can also trigger the PMR 32 exception.
Before the 9th month approval, any student, regardless of age, in violation of the ten day rule on the last day of the school year is to be withdrawn as a W2 on the day after the last day the student attended. PMR 30 will assist with the identification of the students in violation.
Running the PMR report prior to the submission end date will provide adequate time to review the 9th month PMR thoroughly, clear fatal exceptions, and to work with PowerSchool support to correct any issues.
If you need assistance clearing the exceptions, submit a remedy ticket with the subject, PMR EOY Request, to PowerSchool support at https://help.powerschool.com/. For all other PMR related questions, contact LaShon Creech at lashon.creech@dpi.nc.gov or Amanda Cruz at amanda.cruz@dpi.nc.gov.
RTA Reading Camps
Contributors: Tonia Parrish, Education Program Consultant, K-3 Literacy Division
Dan Tetreault, Interim Director, Office of Early Learning
The Office of Early Learning provides guidance for RTA Reading Camps in the Read to Achieve Implementation Guide to assist in the planning process for your 2021-2022 RtA Reading Camps.
Removal of Reading Retained label
A reading retained label should be removed from PowerSchool at the end of the 3/4 transition or 3/4 acceleration school year when a decision is made to retain the student in grade 4 or promote to grade 5, if the reading retained label has not already been removed.
Friendly reminder, PRC-085 funds must be spent by June 30 or they will revert back to the state.
RTA Documentation
- K-3 Diagnostic/Formative assessment reports saved and/or printed for third grade students demonstrating EOY proficiency (725 Lexile)
- All hard copies of RtA Reading Portfolio passages and documents attempted and passed ( verification sheets, Student Summary handouts, etc…) should be maintained
NCEdCloud Summer Access
Contributor: John Mairs, NCEdCloud IAM Service Manager — Enterprise Systems, Office of Digital Learning & Technology Services
The NCEdCloud IAM Service does not require end-of-year processing and will remain available throughout EOY. NCEdCloud will pause processing of new source data while EOY is in progress, and data processing will resume when EOY is complete.
While NCEdCloud may have a maintenance window during the month of June, it will otherwise remain available for students and employees throughout the summer. NCEdCloud pulls both Active and Pre-Registered students from PowerSchool based on the enroll_status field; however, please remember that students who are active in another NC PSU should not be pre-registered or transferred in PowerSchool until after EOY is complete.
If you have any questions or concerns about NCEdCloud during EOY or over the summer, please log a ticket with Identity Automation or email john.mairs@dpi.nc.gov.
Schoolnet EOY
Contributor: John Mairs, NCEdCloud IAM Service Manager — Enterprise Systems, Office of Digital Learning & Technology Services
As in past years, no user action is required for Schoolnet End-of-Year processing. PSUs who elected to extend their terms will be able to utilize Schoolnet through the end of the day on their term extension date. The maximum extension date is 6/29/2022; concurrent with the start of PowerSchool End-of-Year processing. After EOY is complete, Schoolnet will begin processing data for the new year. Keep in mind that educators will need to double check their terms after EOY if they need to access prior year assessment results. Additionally, we will disable the portions of the student homepage that display class schedules until mid-August.
Before School Ends
Contributor: Corey McNeill, Education Program Consultant II, Digital Teaching and Learning
Completing the Rollover Form
Essentially, the SIS team redirects data points so that Canvas receives data being sent from PowerSchool for the new year. The rollover sounds like simply flipping a switch but it does take time. Plan accordingly.
Fill out the rollover form:
Sync Stop date: Provide Canvas with the date you want data to stop flowing from PowerSchool → Canvas.
- Tips:
- This only impacts new enrollments, users, and course creation. It will not impact grade passback.
- If Summer School data is being provisioned to Canvas from PowerSchool, make sure you don’t stop sending data if it’s included in the current year’s terms.
Resume Sync date: Provide Canvas with the date you want next year’s data to begin flowing into Canvas.
- Tips:
- Build in a cushion for syncing issues
- Coordinate with your PowerSchool Data Manager to select dates
- I understand what will happen if I don’t fill out the form:
- The Canvas SIS team will stop your sync at the communicated date and will not resume the sync without instruction from the LEA Canvas Admin.
Changes in Schools for the SIF Agent
If you’re going to have a new school next year, contact PowerSchool to request adding the school to your SIF agent. This ensures they are included in your data packet that PowerSchool sends to Canvas.
After the Sync Resumes
Confirm the terms page in Canvas matches the terms in PowerSchool. If they do not, submit a ticket to Canvas.
Confirm all schools are included in your Subaccount list
- If you do not see a school listed in your Subaccounts, reach out to PowerSchool to confirm the school is included in your SIF agent.
- Distribute content to teachers.
NCEES End of Year Guidance
Contributors: Cami Narron, Education Product Consultant, Home Base Systems
PSUs should plan to be fully complete in the evaluation component of NCEES prior to 6/29/2022. Plans will be archived on 6/30/2022. Staff may continue to access the professional development component.
- All Plans (Evaluations, Professional Development Plans) should be completed prior to 6/ 29/2022.
- It is important to have plans completed by 6/29 as NCDPI will pull Summary Evaluation Standard Ratings reports at close of business day, June 30, 2022 to inform EVAAS. PSUs should refrain from accessing plans on 6/30 after C.O.B., 5 p.m. EST.
Vendor PowerSchool will archive all 2021-22 active Plans beginning after 5 p.m. EST on 6/30/2022. Complete and Incomplete plans will be archived.
- Archived plans cannot be restored for completing or editing.
- PSUs should run all locally required 2021-22 reports prior to 6/29/2022.
- Run and save any reports that will be needed for records and to inform the next school 2022-23.
- Waiting to run 21-22 data as a last-year report during the 22-23 fiscal school year pulls correct standards ratings and correct staff UID number, but will report the following fields as current for 22-23: location, assigned plan type, name changes. It is highly recommended to run 21-22 reports to include those fields as historically accurate during the 21-22 SY.
As PSUs add new Staff for 22-23 SY make sure HR/Payroll sets Active Status to Inactive (NO) for the upload to NCDPI Staff UID (sometimes referenced as Cedars) until on or after July 1, 2022. HR is authoritative for setting the active dates on or after July 1, 2022.
From UID - Timing of UID Export Uploads to Staff UID System: As a reminder, there should be a timely and accurate exchange of data between the PSU payroll system and the Staff UID System. This includes any new staff members who need access to K-12 related systems (i.e. PowerSchool, Schoolnet, NCEES, etc.). Additionally, new staff that have been hired but who are not yet receiving a paycheck can be added to the payroll system, and subsequently included in the Staff UID export file to receive a UID. Non-payroll staff members who work with a PSU but are not entered into the payroll system can still be added to the Staff UID System, via the ‘Add Staff’ feature. Documentation for adding non-payroll staff to the Staff UID System can be found at https://files.nc.gov/dpi/documents/UID/acquiring-uid-for-non-payroll-staff.pdf.
- Date for the NCEES System to be targeted to new plans & accessible to set staff plan types is tentatively July 8, 2022.
Graduation Date Reminder
Contributors: Curtis Sonneman, Section Chief, Accountability Services
Ozella Wiggins, Education/Testing Accountability Consultant, Accountability Services
Justin Conner, PowerSchool Product Manager, Digital Teaching & Learning
All PSUs are requested to run the Preliminary GDV report as soon as possible. While changes are likely to occur between now and EOY, the Division of Accountability Services at NCDPI has begun the review of cohort graduation rate data and the graduates from the GDV are required to complete this process.
As implemented in the 2020–21 school year, students who graduate on or before August 6, 2022, in the 2021–22 school year and subsequent years, can be included as a current school year graduate.
The Preliminary GDV report must be finalized by June 30, 2022. The Final GDV report is due August 11, 2022. The due date for completing the Final GDV is not changed. Students who graduate on or before August 6, 2022, must be added to the 2021–22 Final GDV report in PowerSchool. All PSUs must submit the 2021–22 Final GDV by August 11, 2022.
Students who graduate after August 6, 2022, must be included in the 2022–23 Preliminary GDV.
As a reminder, the GDV report will look for a student's graduation date in the "diploma issued" field on the student academic's page. This date should be the date the student completed his/her graduation requirements. Graduate classifications (regular, early, or summer) are determined and reported on the GDV based on the dates entered in this field.
Note: This date for a regular graduate should be between the exit date (final day of school) and June 30.
Alternative Learning Programs & Schools (ALPS)
Contributor: Amy Powell Moman, Business Systems Analyst II, Enterprise Data and Reporting Services
PSUs are responsible for entering each ALP student placement in an ALP program or ALP school whether for disciplinary or other reasons as a Special Program assignment in PowerSchool. PSUs are also responsible for running the ALP report under State Reports in order to push the data into the state dataset. In addition, PSUs must also approve the report between June 1 to June 29. In preparation for the upcoming EOY, NCDPI would like to make sure that we have the most accurate contact information for your PSU’s ALP data coordinator. Please forward the link below to your PSU’s ALP data coordinator.
To update the ALP Data Coordinator Contact List, click the link to the update form provided below:
Discipline Data
Contributor: Amy Powell Moman, Business Systems Analyst II, Enterprise Data and Reporting Services
The State Discipline Report should be run and approved for all schools at the school and PSU level in PowerSchool between June 1 to June 29. In preparation, NCDPI would like to make sure that we have the most accurate contact information for your PSU’s discipline data coordinator. Please forward the link below to your PSU’s discipline data coordinator.
Please update your Discipline Data Coordinator Contact Information by filling out the Qualtrics Survey found here:
Final Transcript Procedures for High School Principals, PowerSchool Coordinators, Data Managers, and School Counselors
NCDPI and CFNC Electronic High School Transcript System Protocols and Processing Start Date for EOY 2022
Contributor: Reenada Perez, Digital Teaching and Learning Project Manager, DTL
In an effort to allow additional time for schools to store final marks and ensure that “Diploma Issued Date” fields are populated correctly, NCDPI has requested CFNC to begin EOY processing in the electronic high school transcript system on Friday, June 24, 2022. This will be the start date to release queued final transcripts. These queued requests are automatically created by the CFNC system for seniors who sent a non-final transcript earlier in the year. The CFNC transcript system will remain available for regular functions such as new transcript requests.
This schedule means it is critical that before June 24, 2022, all final marks are stored, and all graduates have their “Diploma Issued Date” field populated on the student academics screen within PowerSchool.
CFNC will automatically release queued final transcripts after June 24 based on the standard system protocol. As a reminder, the standard system protocol is for automatic release of queued final transcripts ten days after your school end date in the PowerSchool calendar when two conditions are met:
- The PowerSchool “Diploma Issued Date” field is populated (not blank).
- The PowerSchool “Diploma Issued Date” Is after your school end date in the PowerSchool calendar.
If either of the two above items are not met when the CFNC system attempts to release the final transcript, the e-transcript requests will go into a nine-day processing loop where it will make three additional attempts every three days until the above two items are met. If these two are met by the end of the nine-day processing loop, the final e-transcript will still be processed and released to colleges through CFNC. If these two items are not met by the end of the nine-day processing loop, then the final e-transcript request(s) will fail, and the student will be automatically notified by email.
Incomplete final e-transcripts result when final marks are not stored before the ten days have elapsed AND students have their “Diploma Issued Date” populated within PowerSchool. In order to avoid this, schools must store grades within the ten-day period to allow for proper processing.
Again, e-transcript services will continue as normal through CFNC, but in order to allow schools time to store final marks and ensure that “Diploma Issued Date” fields are populated correctly, the CFNC electronic high school transcript system will wait until Friday, June 24, 2022, to start releasing queued final transcripts.
 Course Codes/Changes for 2022-23
Revisions to Course Code Titles, Credit Value, and GPA Added Value Changes
Reenada Perez, Digital Teaching and Learning Project Manager, DTL
Justin Conner, PowerSchool Product Manager, Digital Teaching & Learning
Mary Elmer Esquivel, CTE Senior Data Analyst
Jennifer Winstead, CTE Systems Coordinator
Course code title, credit value, and GPA added value changes for the 2022-23 school year will occur during the EOY process. Updates scheduled to occur can be found on the 2022-23 Course Code Master List under the appropriate tabs. Local titles will need to be changed manually by PSUs for report cards and transcripts to display correctly. After EOY, please review all courses to ensure they reflect the EOY title changes.
Special Instructions for Charter Schools
Contributor: Joseph Letterio Maimone, Consultant • Office of Charter Schools
Tessa Hine, Professional Learning Specialist • Home Base Systems
If a charter school does not offer all grade levels and students will transfer to another PSU due to promotion, the Next School Indicator must be set to the DPI FTE School, school ID XXX296 where XXX represents the PSU’s ID number within PowerSchool. For example, a charter with PSU number 49B and PowerSchool ID 45000 offers grades K-8. Their 8th grade students will have a next year grade value of 9 and a next school value of 45296. To verify the PSU ID number within PowerSchool, navigate to LEA Setup > Schools/School Info and review the School Number column.
WARNING! After EOY, all students moved to the DPI FTE School must be moved back into the charter school and set as a No Show with a transferred out status. If these steps are not completed after EOY, student records will not transfer to the next PSU and any ECATS records for those students will be negatively impacted. No student records, whether active or inactive, can remain in the DPI FTE School.
Information for Closing Charters
Charter schools that closed during the 2021-22 school year or are scheduled to close at the end of the school year must run state reports, store grades, and clean up all validation errors and process EOY on July 1, 2022. DPI WILL NOT PERFORM THESE TASKS FOR YOU!
Once EOY is processed on the closed school, all students must be transferred out with an entry and exit date of 7/1/2022, and the students’ scheduling setup screens cleared so other PSUs can transfer the students’ records in electronically.
State Compliance Reports Due June 29, 2022
Please assure all state compliance reports are completed prior to EOY processing (e.g., PMR-9, GDV, ALP, Discipline, CTE). Delays with state compliance reporting can possibly impede the EOY timeline.
PSU Home Base Contact Updates for the 2022-2023 SY
Contributor: Yolanda Wilson, Home Base Communication Specialist
We understand that with each new year comes new personnel to fill new roles. To ensure the right people within your school are receiving the latest information, please visit our Support and Maintenance web page to see who is listed as your district or charter leads. Contact us at home_base@dpi.nc.gov or yolanda.wilson@dpi.nc.gov with needed changes.
Subscribe to Major Events Status Alerts
Click the following link to subscribe to the Major Events Status Alerts and receive notifications of outages, wide-spread performance issues, downtime for maintenance, and high impact application issues that affect all instances.
Note: Notifications will be received for all PSUs in the state and cannot be limited to a single PSU.
NCDPI Technology Support Center
NCDPI's Technology Support Center continues to meet your support needs for:
- Schoolnet
- NCEES/Unified Talent
- IAM/SSO (NCEdCloud)
- Staff & Student UID (eScholar)
Support availability:
Web (NEW URL): https://ncgov.servicenowservices.com/sp_dpi - 24/7
Phone: 919-716-1840, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding state holidays)
Technical support for SIS needs is handled directly by PowerSchool Support using chat, phone, or by opening a case ticket.
Follow Us on Social Media!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and begin receiving "Did You Know" tips featuring each Home Base product.
These messages will include upcoming changes, tips, and even hidden treasures within each product to make your job easier. If you are not following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, click on the links below and begin today! Make sure you share this information with other staff within your school.
Instagram: @nchomebase Facebook: @nchomebase Twitter: @nchomebase
Remember to visit the NC SIS website for additional information including webinars and training documentation. Follow us on twitter @NCHomeBase.
NC Department of Public Instruction
Education Building, 7th Floor North
301 North Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
Email: ncsis@dpi.nc.gov