State Board of Education Vision:Every public school student in North Carolina will be empowered to accept academic challenges, prepared to pursue their chosen path after graduating high school, and encouraged to become lifelong learners with the capacity to engage in a globally-collaborative society.
State Board of Education Mission:The mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is to use its constitutional authority to guard and maintain the right of a sound, basic education for every child in North Carolina Public Schools.
NC State Board of Elections - EARLY VOTING April 28–May 14 is the one-stop early voting period for the 2022 primary election. Find voting sites in your county: One-stop sites
To view your sample ballot(s): Registered voters may enter their information into the Voter Search and navigate to “Your Sample Ballot.”
AP News Gary Robertson April 26, 2022: NC judge drops price to cover school plan, omits spend order - [Judge] Robinson wrote that provisions within a two-year state budget -- approved by the General Assembly and signed by Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper a week after Lee’s order -- reduced the amount now needed to carry out the plan through June 2023 to $785 million.
The Hunt-Lee Commission released its final report, which includes 16 recommendations to improve public education in North Carolina. The report was endorsed unanimously by all commission members, setting the stage for a productive bipartisan approach to addressing actionable policy levers that can move the needle for students.
Click on the report to read the full list of recommendations.
The Public School Forum is now accepting applications for the 2022-23 NC Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP) Cohort
The North Carolina Education Policy Fellowship Program is the only statewide program of its kind that focuses on leadership and professional development in the context of education policy. Each new class continues the trend of high caliber participants and is rich in its members’ range of experiences, both professionally and personally. Fellows come from public schools, higher education, community colleges, state agencies, and a diverse array of education organizations across North Carolina.
EPFP Application
To apply for the 2022-23 NC EPFP Cohort, follow the link to the application below. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The deadline to submit an application is July 31, 2022. Tuition for EPFP is $2950 and is paid by the individual’s sponsoring organization.
Workforce development, cost of living, talent pipeline — these aren’t necessarily attention-getting phrases for high school students. So how do you get teenagers interested in relevant local career opportunities and education, while also helping them understand how their choices affect future income and expenses?
At, it all starts with quizzes. With titles like “Reality Check,” “Work Values Sorter,” and “Interest Finder,” the site offers a wealth of resources in an approachable — and uniquely engaging— format.
“It's a fun website, it's easy to understand, and it's easy to scroll through. It’s immediately connecting students with potential careers, as well as getting parents and students thinking about everything there is to explore and what their interests might align with,” said Kristie VanAuken, special assistant to the superintendent in workforce engagement at the Department of Public Instruction. “It sparks the curiosity that gets you thinking about what kind of career you could pursue — and thinking about that before you actually get to college.”
North Carolina offers multiple pathways to jumpstart a student’s career journey and/or earn college credit while in high school, which helps to reduce the cost of post-secondary education. Click on the links below to learn about programs that are available RIGHT NOW. More than 200,000 students are enrolled in Career and College Promise programs and CTE courses.
SPECIAL VISIT - Pender County Schools welcomed State Superintendent Special Advisor Julie Pittman on Tuesday. Ms. Pittman visited with PCS Teachers of the Year for a conversation about education and the challenges teachers face.
EdNC Alex GranadosAsk & Answer | Why aren’t teachers seeing state-funded supplements in their paycheck? - A reader asked EdNC about state-funded supplements for teachers. They said that a chart published by EdNC showed that teachers in their district would receive a certain supplement from the state, but their district payroll department said the actual number would be less. Another reader representing a number of teachers said that they hadn’t received any extra money from the state supplement fund. What’s going on?
FutureED Covid RecoveryApril 25, 2022: How Local Educators Plan to Spend Billions in Federal Covid Aid - FutureEd tapped a database compiled by the data services firm Burbio to assess spending on the federal Covid relief aid allotted in the American Rescue Plan. The current analysis, updated on April 19, includes spending plans submitted by more than 4,100 local education agencies teaching roughly 68 percent of the nation’s public-school students and receiving $77 billion of the $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funds. [Watch our March 15 webinar]