CSAB Basics
- CSAB meetings are streamed live every month on the DPI Youtube page.
- Meeting agendas are posted to Eboard approximately a week prior to each meeting.
- CSAB will hold a special-called meeting on February 28, 2022.
- The next regularly-scheduled CSAB meeting is March 7, 2022 at the DPI Building in Raleigh.
- CSAB member lists, previous minutes, and other information is housed on the OCS web page.
- CSAB action items are heard the following month at State Board of Education meetings. Those meeting agendas are also found on Eboard.
Applications - 2021 Cycle
February Applicant Interviews
CSAB heard from three second-round applicants under the standard timeline this month. These three applicants were seeking approval to open in Fall 2023.Great Opportunities and Boundless Innovation for Girls (GO BIG), Nalanda Academy, and Honor Preparatory Academy were approved for recommendation to SBE. Standard timeline (opening Fall 2023) interviews are now complete.
All submitted 2021 charter applications are available here.
February Requests
Tiller School was approved for a mission statement change. Sugar Creek Charter School and Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy were approved for a weighted lottery. All approved requests will go forward to the State Board of Education in March. For questions about the amendment process, reach out to Ashley.Baquero@dpi.nc.gov. All amendment materials can be found on Eboard.
Other Business
- Dr. Darian Jones presented Mrs. Marie Mills as Principal of the Year representing Carolina Charter Academy and Mr. William Keegan Storrs as the 2022 NC Charter Teacher of the Year representing Roxboro Community.
- Dr. Jeni Corn presented on initiatives and research being conducted by the Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration.
- Mr. Dave Machado, OCS Director, provided OCS updates.
- The 2022 Charter Application Cycle is open through Friday April 29, 2022.
For questions regarding meeting logistics and agenda, please contact Ashley.Baquero@dpi.nc.gov. If your board/school has an innovative or exciting program you'd like to showcase, let us know! We are always happy to have schools present to the board.