Public School Laws of NC Annotated Available for Purchase
North Carolina Public Schools sent this bulletin at 01/25/2022 12:48 PM ESTSuperintendents,
Public School Laws of NC Annotated (Through the 2021 Session) is now available for sale through NCDPI's Publication Sales team. The catalog number is SL121 and sells for $50.00, plus shipping and tax.
Information for ordering by purchase order, credit card or mail-in check is located on NCDPI's Publication Sales website. Please fill out the appropriate order form and email it to Once Publications receives your form with a shipping address, they can estimate your shipping, if needed, or return your calls to place a credit card order.
Should you wish, you may sign up for quarterly emails from Publication Sales to receive alerts about new publications, the latest email announcing the sale of the Law Books may be read here. A link to subscribe is on the right, and you will want to check the Publication Sales box under the Resources category.
Thank you.